Grunt plugin for aXe utilizing WebDriverJS
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-axe-webdriver --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named axe-webdriver
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
"axe-webdriver": {
your_browser_target: {
// Target-specific file lists and/or options go here.
options: {
urls: [],
dest: "output.json",
htmlDest: "output.html",
junitDest: "output.xml"
Type: Object
Default value:
browser: 'firefox',
browserArguments: '',
threshold: 0,
tags: null,
scriptTimeout: 60000
Type: Number
Default value: 0
A number that represents the maximum number of allowable violations. Each violation represents a rule that fails, it may fail for an number of nodes. It is recommended that this value not be changed. A negative value will prevent failure whatever the number of violations.
Type: String
Default value: firefox
Which browser to run the tests in
Type: String
or Array
of Strings
Default value: ''
This can be used to pass command line arguments when starting the browser. For example if you want to start the browser headless you can set this to '--headless'
for Firefox or ['headless', 'disable-gpu']
for Chrome.
Type: String
or Array[String]
Default value: null
Which tags to filter violations on
Type: Number
Default value: null
Number of milliseconds for WebDriver to wait before timing out an injected script
Type: Array[String]|callback
Default value: []
An Array of URLs that will be tested. The default value is an empty array, you must supply at least one URL in order to successfully complete this task.
Can also be a callback function that returns an array of URLs.
Type: String
Default value: null
Address of the selenium server to run the tests against. Defaults to a direct connection to the local browser.
Type: String
Default value: undefined
An optional file to which the results of the accessibility scans will be written as a JSON Array of results objects.
Type: String
Default value: undefined
An optional file to which the results of the accessibility scans will be written as an HTML file.
Type: String
Default value: undefined
An optional file to which the results of the accessibility scans will be written as a Junit XML file.
In this example, the default options are used in combination with a list of two URLs that are to be tested for accessibility issues. The accessibility tests wil be run in Firefox only. The results will not be output but will be tested for zero violations. If violations occur, the Grunt task will fail and interrupt the Grunt script.
"axe-webdriver": {
firefox: {
options: {},
urls: ['http://localhost:9876/tests/test1.html', 'http://localhost:9876/tests/test2.html']
In this example, the custom target browser option is used to add tests for the Chrome browser. Note that the urls for each target must be supplied. This also means that the urls can be different for each browser.
"axe-webdriver": {
firefox: {
options: {},
urls: ['http://localhost:9876/tests/test1.html', 'http://localhost:9876/tests/test2.html']
chrome: {
options: {
browser: "chrome"
urls: ['http://localhost:9876/tests/test1.html', 'http://localhost:9876/tests/test2.html'],
In this example, we add some browserArguments
to start Firefox and Chrome in headless mode. The selinium addArguments
API has a slightly different syntax for the firefoxDriver
and chromeDriver
, hence it looks a bit different for each browser:
"axe-webdriver": {
firefox: {
options: {
browser: 'firefox',
browserArguments: ['--headless']
urls: ['http://localhost:9876/tests/test1.html', 'http://localhost:9876/tests/test2.html']
chrome: {
options: {
browser: 'chrome',
browserArguments: ['headless', 'disable-gpu']
urls: ['http://localhost:9876/tests/test1.html', 'http://localhost:9876/tests/test2.html'],
In this example, the only violations that will be checked for are those that have the matching tag.
"axe-webdriver": {
firefox: {
options: {
tags: 'wcag2a'
urls: ['http://localhost:9876/tests/test1.html', 'http://localhost:9876/tests/test2.html']
In this example, the only violations that will be checked for are those that have one of the matching tags.
"axe-webdriver": {
firefox: {
options: {
tags: ['wcag2a', 'wcag2aa']
urls: ['http://localhost:9876/tests/test1.html', 'http://localhost:9876/tests/test2.html']
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