simple presence-based lighting control with esp32
Project environment:
- nvim-platformio lua plugin, a PlatformIO wrapper for neovim written in lua
- qemu-esp-xtensa, a fork of QEMU with Espressif patches.
Further tooling details for reproducing are in ./assets/metadata.txt
, a dump using pio project metadata
Directory structure:
; tree -C -L 1
├── assets
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── compose.yml
├── deploy.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── include
├── lib #lib directory can be used for the project specific (private) libraries. More details are located in lib/README file.
├── Makefile
├── platformio.ini #“platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File)
├── scripts
├── src # src directory where you should place source code (*.h, *.c, *.cpp, *.S, *.ino, etc.)
└── test
I used Arch Linux while doing this, hence the PKGBUILD, but the software build is distro-agnostic, so you can just clone the repo and build manually.
Choose between qemu-system-xtensa
(mainline qemu, where you configure with the xtensa option) and qemu-esp-xtensa
(the fork).
I choose the second one, then got the PKGBUILD:
; wget -O ./PKGBUILD
; # disable asan, AddressSanitizer
; sed -e "/--enable-sanitizers/{h;d;}" -e "/--disable-gtk/{G;}" -e 's/\(--enable-sanitizers\)/#\1/g' -e 's/disable-gtk/& \\ /' ./PKGBUILD > ./PKGBUILD
; makepkg
; # copy package to /opt/ and create a symbolic link of the binary
; # to /usr/bin making it available system-wide
; sudo cp -r ./pkg/qemu-esp-xtensa-git/opt/qemu-esp-xtensa-git/ /opt/
; sudo ln -s ./opt/qemu-esp-xtensa-git/bin/qemu-system-xtensa /usr/bin/
You may need 99-platformio-udev.rules
on Linux x86_64.
; curl -fsSL | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/99-platformio-udev.rules
; sudo udevadm control --reload
; sudo udevadm trigger
On neovim, build with Piorun build
. After building the application, run it on QEMU:
cat << "EOF" > ./scripts/
# qemu-esp-xtensa-git.git
qemu-system-xtensa -nographic \
-machine esp32 \
-drive file=./.pio/build/upesy_wroom/firmware.bin,if=mtd,format=raw \
-S -s
chmod +x ./scripts/
Now you may come across this error:
qemu-system-xtensa: Error: only 2, 4, 8, 16 MB flash images are supported
To get the firmware binary working, use espressif's esptool to flash the firmware into a binary image containing the second stage bootloader.
Create a python's virtualenv to store the esptool dependencies using
; cd ./assets/ || return
; git clone [email protected]:espressif/esptool.git
; python3 -m venv venv
; cd - || return
; . ./assets/venv/bin/activate
; pip3 install --upgrade pip
; pip3 install -r ./assets/requirements.txt
; deactivate
Flash the second stage bootloader into the image then boot it into QEMU using
cat << "EOF" > ./scripts/
# source(POSIX sh) venv relative to the repo root directory
. ./assets/venv/bin/activate
./assets/esptool/ --chip ESP32 merge_bin \
-o merged-flash.bin \
--flash_mode dio \
--flash_size 4MB \
0x1000 .pio/build/upesy_wroom/bootloader.bin \
0x8000 .pio/build/upesy_wroom/partitions.bin \
0x10000 .pio/build/upesy_wroom/firmware.bin \
--fill-flash-size 4MB
chmod +x ./scripts/