A calendar website that is able to send a Line message when the scheduled job is triggered.
- Erlang 26.2.2
- Elixir 1.16,1
- Phoenix 1.7.12
- Phoenix LiveView 0.18.16
- PostgreSQL 15.3/16.1
- Generate your own Line access token
To start your Phoenix server:
- Run
mix setup
to install and setup dependencies - Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
or inside IEx withiex -S mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.
Generate default message content, in this case the daliy bible reading chapter and paragraph
Seeding by mix
$ mix run ./priv/repo/seeds.exs
Seeding on runtime
iex> LineReminder.Release.seeds(2024)
Dependencies that using
It's using fly.io for my own convenience to save my infrastructure time & personal study. Feel free to change whatever you like if you wanna create your own scheduling Line Notifier, it has nothing to do with the deploymnet section.
There're 2 ways to do the deployment.
Which is the part of .github/workflows
, you can find further information either GitHub or Fly.io.
This action will be triggered by
- PR - Run Tests that includes Compile, Check Formatting, Run Dialyzer, Check Code Consistency(Credo), Check Security(Sobelow), Test Cases.
- Merge to main - Run Tests then deploy to Fly.io
Require to install flyctl
brew install flyctl
Deploy from building server on Fly.io
fly deploy --remote-only
Check apps status
fly apps list
Connect to Postgres that on Fly.io
fly postgres connect -a <DB_NAME>
List secrets, environment variables, on Fly.io. Such as LINE_TOKEN
in this case.
fly secrets list
Remove secret - LINE_TOKEN
for example
fly secrets unset LINE_TOKEY
Set secret - LINE_TOKEN
fly secrets set LINE_TOKEN=<YOUR_LINE_TOKEN>
SSH to server
fly ssh console
Project log monitoring
fly logs
Scheduling job is using quantum 3.5.
It will be triggered on every 6am, Timezone GMT+8.
Feel free to change your config/runtime.exs
whenever you like.
config :line_reminder, LineReminder.Scheduler,
timezone: "Asia/Taipei",
overlap: false,
run_strategy: Quantum.RunStrategy.Local,
jobs: [
{"0 6 * * *", {LineReminder.Messanger, :send, []}}