Plugins for the Salesforce CLI built by Mark Denford.
Install the plugin by cloning this repo and linking it using this command:
$ sfdx plugins:link <folder>
You can check a successful installation with sfdx plugins
Sets Custom Label value
$ sfdx denford:envar:customlabels
-f, --fullname=fullname fullname of the Custom Label
-l, --labelvalue=labelvalue value of the Custom Label
-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org
-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org
--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--json format output as json
--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal) logging level for this command invocation
$ sfdx denford:envar:customlabels -u username -f customLabelFullName -l customLabelValue
Successfully updated Custom Label: customLabelFullName
$ sfdx denford:envar:customLabel -u username -f customLabelFullName -l customLabelValue --json
"status": 0,
"result": {
"fullName": "customLabelFullName",
"success": true
See code: src/commands/denford/envar/customlabels.ts
Sets Named Credentials endpoint
$ sfdx denford:envar:namedcredentials
-e, --endpoint=endpoint endpoint of the Named Credential
-f, --fullname=fullname fullname of the Named Credential
-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org
-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org
--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--json format output as json
--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal) logging level for this command invocation
$ sfdx denford:envar:namedcredentials -u username -f namedCredentialFullName -e namedCredentialEndpoint
Successfully updated NamedCredential: namedCredentialFullName
$ sfdx denford:envar:namedcredentials -u username -f namedCredentialFullName -e namedCredentialEndpoint --json
"status": 0,
"result": {
"fullName": "namedCredentialFullName",
"success": true
See code: src/commands/denford/envar/namedcredentials.ts
Prints a greeting and your org id(s)!
$ sfdx hello:org [FILE]
-f, --force example boolean flag
-n, --name=name name to print
-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org
-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub org; overrides default dev hub org
--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--json format output as json
--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal) logging level for this command invocation
$ sfdx hello:org --targetusername [email protected] --targetdevhubusername [email protected]
Hello world! This is org: MyOrg and I will be around until Tue Mar 20 2018!
My hub org id is: 00Dxx000000001234
$ sfdx hello:org --name myname --targetusername [email protected]
Hello myname! This is org: MyOrg and I will be around until Tue Mar 20 2018!
See code: src/commands/hello/org.ts