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Samson Close edited this page Oct 5, 2016
12 revisions
- Moved packet forcing to a TCP connection
- Server can now run through command line
- Added icon buttons
- Added update system
- Added commands (entered through command line, or in-client by pressing (CTRL + /))
- Tile editor layers now go from bottom to top and not top to bottom
- Added a dynamic tile layer (Moves tiles behind and in front of entities when needed)
- Many bug fixes and optimisations
- Rendering while off-focus is now a saveable option
- GuiTextFields now absorb the filtered click when clicked on, because they don't have any behaviour for being held
- GuiScreens no longer use a problematic init() method
- Optimised Collection.reverse() operations so that they no longer do that
- Generalised saving and loading of HitboxToggle and HitboxTrigger information
- An object can no longer be drawn from pointer clicks when in a build mode editor
- Can now copy and paste HitboxToggle and HitboxTrigger info from their editors
- Added Spectator Mode
- Players can now interact with HitboxTriggers
- Lamp, wall door, and crab textures
- Client no longer crashes when IP cannot be resolved
- The clipboard can now be pasted into text fields
- Revised debug controls
- Options saving
- Toggleable hitboxes in Build Mode
- Unified server and client into a single Game class
- Version now specified by the date of release
- Improvements to text fields
- Improved efficiency of build mode
- Generalised drawing rectangles
- Fix grid bug in the tile editor
- Fixed bug where game would crash if fullscreened on a device which doesn't support it
- When typing, "b" no longer spams, and periods are typable now
- Fixed where game would by default think that the game isn't focused
- Fixed bugs with placement in build mode
- Game now hides the mouse when it's not neccesary
- Game will no longer crash when player disconnects from server
- Removed legacy packets
- Memory usage is now shown in debug info
- Added some loading log messages
- Now uses WAV by default, not MP3
- Triggers now find the player that set them off
- Triggers can now detect when a player triggers or untriggers a trigger
- In-game coordinate now display
- Flashing underscore is less glitchy when backspacing
- Systematically detects whether the version contains the wav files or the mp3 files and use them accordingly
- Polished HitboxTrigger Editor
- Added loading and saving for HitboxTriggers
- HitboxTriggers can now be removed
- Players can now create servers bound to specified ports, as well as connect to servers with specified ports
- Reworked the host and join GUI
- The host's Lobby now shows the port
- Hitboxes and Lights now remove from the top down
- Audio clips now have more concise try and catch blocks in case of errors
- Added MP3 support
- Fixed bugs with adding/removing PointLights
- Moved console to external library
- Optimised packet engine
- Added basic server-side hitbox events
- Non-hard-coded entity, hitbox, and player collision toggle, as well as audio toggling
- New, original textures
- Gave PointLights better hitbox drawing
- Added grid to tile placement in build mode
- Entities no longer have a set width and height
- Loggers now manage all output
- Fixed bug where player can't host server when they have previously joined one
- Added an ALogger for every DynamicThread
- GuiScreens now can only act upon one button at a time
- Client socket sender and receiver now use different threads
- Assets are now disposable
- Buttons now make sound
- Added basic audio API
- Now built with JDK 6
- Added names to the threads so they are distinguishable
- GuiLobby now shows the host their LAN IPv4 address
- Added a quit button to the menu screen
- The client's packet pushed now starts up
- Added client and server packet pushers
- Added tile Layers
- Added build mode PointLights
- Lighting can now be switches from full on with the new mode, cheap CPU usage mode (Uses bit shifting instead of division), or off.
- Fixed fullscreen
- Lighting can now be toggled on the menu screens
- Optimised lighting
- Made player animation faster
- Got rid of black lines inbetween lights
- Lights now layer properly
- Players will now stop walking animation when they're stopped
- Entities are now rendered on top of each other from the farthest away to the closest so that they draw overtop each other properly
- Buttons and TextFields can now have any width
- Moved assets back into this project
- Added CAPS LOCK support
- You can now press Enter to quickly go through the Join Game or Host Game GUI.
- Fixed glitch with synchronization
- Added build mode tooltips
- Asset cloning now has 2 levels
- Fixed initialization error
- GuiLobby no longer has any chance of the player list being updated before the screen exists to be updated.
- Animated assets no longer get faster the more you place
NOTE: Some of these may belong to the unknowns, but their version number was undocumented, so it's difficult to tell without deep analysis.
- Refactored assets engine
- Overhauled Entities
- Created smoother transition to in-game
- Added vignette filter to LightMaps
- More secure method for checking if the user is hosting the server
- Added ability to enable and disable packet tracking in the console
- Merged server into the client application
- Build Mode hitboxes can now be drawn in any direction
- Updating player list should be perfect as it only runs one, and throughout an entire tick
- Generalized threading
- Added basic level loading
- Added build mode (F12)
- Can now export a current level's loadable save data to clipboard (F4)
- Added mouse input
- Added console (F10)
- Generalized inputs into InputType
- Better drawing of hitboxes
- Added basic GUIs
- Removed unused or useless debug
- Added grainy lighting filter
- Began distribution of exe files
- Added loading screen
- Added text input boxes to guis
- Added lighting to menus
- Added gui system
- Added basic server
- Added level and entity hitboxes
- Improved and optimised lighting engine
- Added flickering lights
- Added lighting engine
- Added animations
- Added debug hud
- Added fullscreen mode
- Added levels
- Added player entity
- Added text engine
- Created basic input, rendering, file loading, and movement system