Presentation2.0 is a Web App that helps you quickly prepare and present presentation simply from Markdown file.
- Instantly prepare slide simply from Markdown file
- Seamless slide sync amongst all the devices connected to the network with WebSocket
- Control slide from any devices connected to the network. Yup presenting presentation in team is possible ;)
- Mobile friendly design
- Supports Bootstrap themes
- Supports Velocity transition effects
It's recommended that you use Composer to install Presentation2.0. Make sure you have installed php-sqlite extension.
$ composer create-project deepsadhi/presentation2.0 presentation2.0
This will install Presentation2.0 and all required dependencies. Presentation2.0 requires PHP 5.5.0 or newer with sqlite extension.
Run Presentation 2.0 daemon:
$ cd presentation2.0
$ php bin/server.php
Make Presentation2.0 live to all devices connected to the network:
$ cd presentation2.0
$ php -S -t public
- Open http://localhost:8000/login in your browser
- Login with admin and admin as default username and password
- Click on
- Click on Start button to broadcast presentation to viewers (the all devices connected to the network)
- Control the slide with Prev button, Next, Swipe Left touch, Swipe Right touch, Left Key or Right Key
- Open server http://Server_IP_Address:8000 in your browser
Presentation2.0 is licensed under the GPLv3 license. See License File for more information.