This utility supports the reading of csv files. The data can be written to different output formats such as json/xml.
It can be extended to other formats by adding the specific logic for a different output formats. An implementation of the DataWriter can be added to the writers/ package to extend this utility to other formats.
To run the code:
$ cd pipeline
$ go build && ./pipeline
To include sorting in the output files:
$ cd pipeline
$ go build && ./pipeline -sort=name -asc=true
$ go build && ./pipeline -sort=rating -asc=false
To run unit tests:
$ cd pipeline
$ go test -v ./...
Code structure
|--- csv_utility (utility to read and write csv files )
|--- csv_files (contains the input file restaurants.csv )
|--- restaurants (Co-ordinates the reading of csv files
| Initilizes output writers for different formats,
| writing output files using writers which can be dynamically setup)
|--- models (restaurant data defined here)
|--- output_files (valid data from restaurants.csv is written to json and xml files and are stored here
| and invalid.csv if there are invalid restaurants in the csv file)
|--- writers (contains DataWriter interface in writer.go to make the tool extensible to other formats,
| json and xml writers are present here)
|---- main.go (starts the processing of the csv)