My list of resources for development. Will be useful for sharing with future teamies.
- Spotify Engineering Culture (Video)
- Ten Bullets: Working To Code AKA ALWAYS BE KNOLLING (Video)
- Just Culture (Etsy)
- Postmortem - What happened to Etsy (Article)
- Contempt Culture
- The Beauty of Bad Code (Video)
- The code I'm still ashamed of (TW: Suicide)
- PHP Does Not Suck
- Overcoming Imposter Syndrome (Article)
- Hiring without Whiteboards
- Finding a better alternative to the whiteboard interview (Article)
- Improving our engineering interview process
- The Joel Test
- The Importance Of Donuts - Celebrate Personal Success
- - Repository of self-care resources
- Developer Growth Framework (Explainer)
- Developer Growth Framework
- 10 Books every new manager should read
- The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever (Book)
- The Manager's Path: A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and Change (Book)
- TC39 (Technical Committee that evolves JavaScript)
- - JavaScript track (Code Challenges)
- Become A Full Stack Web Developer (Resource list)
- Burger Party (Promises explained)
- Awesome - Curated List of awesome lists about Development
- Ember API
- ember-cli user guide
- Ember Blog
- Ember Weekly (Newsletter)
- Ember Addons
- The Ember Way (Medium publication)
- Yo Ember (Tutorial)
- Ember Concurrency (Video)
- Ember Concurrency (Docs)
- Going Progressive With Ember (Video)
- Confessions of an Addon Author (Video)
- Dockyard (Ember shop, blog + addons)
- Intro to React/Redux video series
- Redux docs
- Component Folder Pattern
- Redux AJAX Calls
- Writing Tests for Redux
- Writing Tests with Jest
- Redux Form Docs
- Flag, feature flagging for React+Redux
- React Helmet, Document Head Manager
- React and PWA (Article Series)
- Intro to BEM
- ITCSS - CSS Architecture
- UI Code with Namespaces
- How Flexbox works — explained with big, colorful, animated gifs
- Holy Grail Layout in Flexbox
- Flexbox Grid (Grid System)
- Sass vs LESS
- Font Awesome (Icons)
- Should I use CSS-in-JS? (Article)
- Vertical align anything with just 3 lines of CSS
- An Equal Height Grid using Flexbox
- Sequelize Docs
- PostgreSQL Docs
- Relational Database Concepts (Video, ~5mins)
- How to perfrorm update operations on columns of type JSONB in Postgres 9.4 (StackOverflow)
- Migrate React Client to SSR Next.js
- We migrated to Next.js to serve our home page 7.5× faster (Article)
- Next.js
- After.js
- bodybuilder.js docs
- elasticsearch ref
- elasticsearch.js docs
- ElasticSearch 2.x Tutorial Series (Video)
- ContentKing Academy (Articles)
- PageSpeed Insights
- Test My Site With Google
- Ultimate guide to JavaScript SEO (Article)
- JavaScript & SEO: The Definitive Resource List
- mjml - Responsive Email Framework
- Campaign Monitor - CSS Guide
- Bulletproof Background Images
- Bulletproof Buttons
- MailChimp Email Design Reference
- Email Client CSS Support Tables
- Ember Inspector
- Redux DevTools
- React Developer Tools
- Lighthouse (PWA Audit)
- No W3Schools
- Joblint
- Spectrum (Audit site for different types of colour vision deficiency)
- Funkify - disability simulator
- Wikiwand
- Dash (Documentation)
- Franz (Messaging)
- Nativefier (Electron wrapper for websites)
- Habitica (RPG To-Do App)
- Trello (Organising)
- iTerm2 (Terminal)
- Hyper (Electron-based Terminal)
- Spectacle (Window Management)
- Muzzle (Stops push notifications when screensharing)
- Postman (API Development Environment)
- Zeplin (Design/FE Collab Tool)
- DaisyDisk (Paid, Disk Management)
- Vanilla (Free/Paid, Menu Bar Management)
- 1Password (Password Manager, Paid)
- A Simple Web Developer's Color Guide
- Material Design (Google)
- Polymer (Web implementation of Material Design)
- A List Apart
- Brutalist Websites
- Color Shades Generator
- Color Palette Generator
- Dribble Color Inspiration
- Paletton, Color Palette Generator
- The Design Of Everyday Things (Human-centered Design Book)
- Public Speaking Resources (Software development focused)
- Coding Interview University (Study plan to become a software engineer for Google, MASSIVE)
- Firewatch Background (Official)
- Firewatch Backgrounds (Mods)
- Declan Ramsay dotfiles
- Bullet Journal
- Awesome Conferences
git dad
- Code Monkey (Video)
- The Definitive Sandwich Family Tree