A multiplayer scene with [Colyseus]{https://www.colyseus.io/} for websockets multiplayer messaging. The game logic is carried out server-side.
This scene shows you:
- How to support [Colyseus]{https://www.colyseus.io/} in a Decentraland scene
- How to set up a simple scene state in Colyseus
- How to handle game state changes from the server in your scene
- How to fetch a player's realm
- How to keep track of the state of each realm as a separate room in your game
The server keeps track of the color selected by each player and the changes in cube colors.
"PlayFab enables developers to use the intelligent cloud to build and operate games, analyze gaming data and improve overall gaming experiences. The PlayFab platform is a natural complement to Azure for gaming (Visit azure.com/gaming for more info)"
PlayFab offers several authentication options https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/gaming/playfab/features/authentication/. However we chose CustomID so that we can tie the player ID to the account. CustomID allows us to set anything as the login a player. To keep the login ID secure and not predictable we use a server to generate a random UUID as the login ID and return it. We use https://github.com/decentraland/decentraland-crypto-middleware which authenticates the signedFetch from the scene and ensures only that player can fetch their CustomID.
Player->> Scene : enterScene
Scene->> Service : signedFetch(/player/auth)
Service->>Service: authenticate signedFetch
opt If you wanted to verify player is in DCL
Colyseus->>Catalyst: check is player connected
Service->> DB : lookup/create Playfab CustomId
Note over Scene,PlayFab: Have a few login options here
alt: Scene logs itself in
Service-->>Scene: returns Playfab CustomId
Scene->>PlayFab: Client/LoginWithCustomID (with CustomId)
PlayFab-->>Scene: Login Result
else: OR Service logs in for client (VARIENT)
Service->>PlayFab: Client/LoginWithCustomID (with CustomId)
PlayFab-->>Service: Login Result
Service-->>Scene: returns Playfab Login Result
Note over Scene,PlayFab: Player now logged in to PlayFab
Scene->>PlayFab: Client/GetPlayerCombinedInfo
PlayFab-->>Scene: GetPlayerCombinedInfoResult
Scene-->>Player: Update UI to Logged In State
Player->> Scene : playBattle
Scene->> Colyseus : joinOrCreate
Colyseus->>PlayFab: AuthenticateSessionTicket
PlayFab-->> Colyseus : valid session
opt If you wanted to verify player is in DCL
Colyseus->>Catalyst: check is player connected
Colyseus-->>Scene: room id
Note over Colyseus,Scene: Battle begins
loop Player Battle
Player->>Scene: sends inputs
loop Scene sends actions taken
Scene->>Colyseus: player data
loop Colyseus sends room state
Colyseus->>Scene: room state
Scene->>Scene: sync entity positions
Note over Colyseus,Scene: When battle is over
Colyseus->>PlayFab: Updates player stats
Colyseus->>Scene: Broadcast about to disconnect
Colyseus->>Scene: Disconnect clients
Scene->>PlayFab: Client/GetPlayerCombinedInfo for latest stat
PlayFab-->>Scene: GetPlayerCombinedInfoResult
Scene-->>Player: Show Battle Results
NOTE: In an attempt to make playing the scene locally PLAYFAB_ENABLED is by default set to false in the Scene and Colyseus making so you can play locally with no external services configure (do not need a PlayFab account to test it out). To enable playfab follow the instructions below.
You may want to configure endpoints for your local environment in the instance where you do not want or need to run Colyseus and login server locally
Found in src/config.ts
there are variables in the following format so you could have configurations for multiple environments
const VARIABLE: Record<string, string> = {
local: "local value",
dev: "dev value",
stg: "staging value",
prd: "production value",
- The environment for which values are to be used (local,dev,prod,etc.)
- true if PlayFab should be enabled.
- PlayFab Title ID
- Websocker endpoint
Login Service Endpoint
Found in server/arena.env
you must either disable PlayFab integration OR provide a PlayFab title and developer secret. By default for the demo BATTLE_PLAYFAB_ENABLED is set to false so you can play locally without requiring a PlayFab account
BATTLE_PLAYFAB_TITLEID= PlayFab Title ID goes here
Details on how to get these can be found here
By default for the demo BATTLE_PLAYFAB_ENABLED
is set to false so you can play locally without requiring a PlayFab account. The service does not need to be ran in this case.
Found in service/.env.default
default values for the service
Found in service/.env
are override values. Place your firebase admin json here
It will require you to run 3 servers locally
- DCL Scene
- Colyseus (multiplayer server)
- Service (for login support and other server side needs)
And have a PlayFab account and title already created
Download and install the Decentraland CLI by running the following command:
npm i -g decentraland
Open this folder on the command line, then run:
dcl start
Any dependencies are installed and then the CLI opens the scene in a new browser tab.
In another command line tab Open ./server/ folder on the command line, then run:
npm run start
Any dependencies are installed and then the server should be running. You should see something like this
✅ development.env loaded.
✅ Express initialized
🏟 Your Colyseus App
⚔️ Listening on ws://localhost:2567
NOTE: By default for the demo BATTLE_PLAYFAB_ENABLED is set to false so you can play locally without requiring a PlayFab account. The service does not need to be ran in this case.
In another command line tab Open ./service/ folder on the command line, then run:
npm run build
npm run start
Any dependencies are installed and then the server should be running. You should see something like this
2022-07-17T01:44:35.100Z [LOG] (http-server): Listening
Learn more about how to build your own scenes in our documentation site.
If something doesn’t work, please file an issue.
This scene is protected with a standard Apache 2 licence. See the terms and conditions in the LICENSE file.
Portions of this program © 2022 Microsoft Azure PlayFab
Multiplayer made possible with Colyseus https://www.colyseus.io/