demo of portal-puzzle scene running in preview.
Using the new spawn feature to recreate a simple Portal clone where the player has to pickup the access card that's on a ledge. To view the scene, please visit here.
Walk over the portal gun to pick it up. Press the Left Mouse Button to shoot and the Space key to jump. To toggle between the orange and blue portals, press the E key. Use your mouse to look around and W A S D keys on your keyboard to move forward, left, backward and right respectively.
Install the CLI
Download and install the Decentraland CLI by running the following command:
$ npm i -g decentraland
Previewing the scene
Download this example and navigate to its directory, then run:
$ dcl start
The following files were taken from
- gunPickup.mp3 modified from
- portalFail.mp3 modified from
- portalSuccess.mp3 modified from
- teleport.mp3 modified from