As-Is contains two modules.
- Is - Type predicates for checking values are of certain types.
- As - Asserting values are of a certain type using the above predicates.
Using npm:
npm i as-is
Using yarn:
yarn add as-is
Using pnpm:
pnpm add as-is
Using bun:
bun add as-is
Using require:
// Load the As and Is
const { As, Is } = require('@dec-land/as-is');
// Load them seperately
const As = require('@dec-land/as-is/as');
const Is = require('@dec-land/as-is/is');
Using import:
// Load the As and Is
import { Is, As } from '@dec-land/as-is';
// Load them seperately
import As from '@dec-land/as-is/As';
import Is from '@dec-land/as-is/Is';
In Examples
import Is from '@dec-land/as-is/Is';
Is.number(5) // true
Is.number('test'); // false
Is.arrayOf([5, 10], Is.integer) // true
Is.arrayOf(['a', 'b'], Is.integer); // false'date') // false Date()); // true
// etc...
As Examples
import { As, Is } from '@dec-land/as-is';
let a: unknown = 'test'; // Here we have an unknown string
// console.log(a.split(',')); Split does not exist on type unknown
As.string(a); // Assert the a as a string, if it isn't an error will be thrown.
console.log(a.split(',')); // Now works as flow wouldn't reach here unless a is a string
let b: unknown = [new Date(), new Date()]; // Here we have an unknown array of dates.
// => console.log(date.toLocaleString())); // Property 'map' does not exist on type 'unknown'.
As.arrayOf(b,; // Assert that b is an array of dates. If not an error will be thrown => console.log(date.toLocaleString())); // Works fine
// etc...
As-Is offers the following predicates that can be used to check or assert whether a value is of a specific type.
- number
- integer
- string
- boolean
- primitive
- nonPrimitive
- date
- json
- array
- readonlyArray
- readonlyArrayOf
- object
- objectWithProperties
- function
Tests are included for As and Is. These can be ran using:
$ npm test