This plugin copies video files from the Phonegap assets directory into internal storage (with MODE_WORLD_READABLE) and returns a URI to the copied file via callback. The copied file can then be played inline via standard HTML5 <video> tags. This is a workaround for the Phonegap / Android problem that video files in the Phonegap asset directory cannot be referenced in a <video> tag. Tested in Phonegap 2.7.0 on a 2012 Nexus 7 with Android 4.3.
Thanks to VideoPlayer Plugin from which this plugin borrows the basic idea and some code.
Using this plugin requires Android PhoneGap.
To install the plugin, move www/videocopier.js to your project's www folder and include a reference to it in your html file after cordova.js.
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="cordova-2.7.0.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="videocopier.js"></script> -
Create a directory within your project called "src/com/phonegap/plugins/video" and move into it.
In your res/xml/config.xml file add the following line:
<plugin name="VideoCopier" value=""/>
The plugin creates the object 'window.plugins.videoCopier'. To use, call the copy() method:
/** * Copy video file from Asset folder to internal storage so that it can be played through a standard HTML5 <video> tag * * @param url URL of the file to be copied * @param callback Callback function that gets called when copying is done. The URI of the copy is returned as a string. */ copy(url, callback)
Sample use:
window.plugins.videoCopier.copy('file:///android_asset/www/path/to/my/video', function(URIofCopyInInternalStorage) { $('#videocontainer').html('<video src="' + URIofCopyInInternalStorage + '" preload="auto"></video>'); $('#videocontainer video').get(0).play(); });