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A TOTP and HOTP library for zig.

Why One Time Passwords?

One Time Passwords (OTPs) are an mechanism to improve security over passwords alone. When a Time-based OTP (TOTP) is stored on a user's phone, and combined with something the user knows (Password), you have an easy on-ramp to Multi-factor authentication without adding a dependency on a SMS provider. This Password and TOTP combination is used by many popular websites including Google, GitHub, Facebook, Salesforce and many others.

The zig-totp library enables you to easily add TOTPs to your own application, increasing your user's security against mass-password breaches and malware.

Because TOTP is standardized and widely deployed, there are many mobile clients and software implementations.


  • Zig >= 0.14.0-dev.2851+b074fb7dd

Adding zig-totp as a dependency

Add the dependency to your project:

zig fetch --save=zig-totp git+

or use local path to add dependency at build.zig.zon file

    .dependencies = .{
        .@"zig-totp" = .{
            .path = "./lib/zig-totp",

And the following to your build.zig file:

const zig_totp_dep = b.dependency("zig-totp", .{});
exe.root_module.addImport("zig-totp", zig_totp_dep.module("zig-totp"));

The zig-totp structure can be imported in your application with:

const zig_totp = @import("zig-totp");

Get Starting

const std = @import("std");
const totp = @import("zig-totp");

pub fn main() !void {
    const alloc = std.heap.page_allocator;

    const n =;
    const passcode = try totp.generateCode(alloc, secret, n);
    // output: 
    // generateCode: 906939
    std.debug.print("generateCode: {s} \n", .{passcode});

    const valid = totp.validate(alloc, passcode, secret);
    // output: 
    // validate: true
    std.debug.print("validate: {} \n", .{valid});

Generate keyurl

const std = @import("std");
const totp = @import("zig-totp");

pub fn main() !void {
    const alloc = std.heap.page_allocator;

    const secret = "test-data";

    var key = try totp.generate(alloc, .{
        .issuer = "Example",
        .account_name = "accountName",
        .period = 30,
        // .secret_size = 20,
        // use secret if secret not empty, or use secret_size to generate secret
        .secret = secret,
        .digits = .Six,
        .algorithm = .SHA1,

    const keyurl = key.urlString();
    // output: 
    // keyurl: otpauth://totp/Example:accountName?issuer=Example&period=30&digits=6&secret=ORSXG5BNMRQXIYI&algorithm=SHA1
    std.debug.print("keyurl: {} \n", .{keyurl});


  • The library LICENSE is Apache2, using the library need keep the LICENSE.
