Releases: dealnews/db
Releases · dealnews/db
Add script for creating value objects and mappers
Merge pull request #4 from dealnews/next Add basic bin script for generating value objects and mappers from tables
- Add an option to close a PDO connection. This is useful in long running scripts where the connection is not always needed and the server has connection limits that may be hit if a connection is left open and unused.
Bug fixes with PDOException and relational mappings
- Adds support for loading and saving a single column from a relational table. This is handy for things like aliases, related keywords, or a list of ids that don't need a full object loaded.
- Updated dealnews/data-mapper lib
- Implemented wrapper for PDO and PDOStatement to allow for retrying connections and queries.
- Added phan, php-cs-fixer
2.0.1 Release
Fix issue with prefix
2.0.0 Release
Updated with new DealNews coding standards
Add error handling
Don't rely on autocommit being true for transactions.