Dealer Inspire Laravel Coding Standard provides sniffs that help developers write better Laravel code.
Install the package by requiring it with Composer.
composer require dealerinspire/laravel-coding-standard
First you need to make sure that vendor/dealerinspire/laravel-coding-standard
is in your phpcs.xml
file's installed_paths
<config name="installed_paths" value="vendor/dealerinspire/laravel-coding-standard"/>
Then you can use any of the sniffs provided in this package.
<rule ref="DealerInspireLaravelCodingStandard.Providers.DeferredProviders"/>
Checks that no classes use the protected $guarded
attribute. Useful for any projects that strictly enforce the use of explicitly whitelisting fillable attributes.
Checks all deferred service providers to ensure that any bindings in the file are also included in the provides
Note that your service provider class must end with the conventional suffix ServiceProvider
. e.g. FooServiceProvider.php
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