Collection of Bat Scripts that I needed for a specific task Some of the file are for VHP Visual Hotel Program by that I've made to make my job easier
It configures the right ports that need to allow the EntryPass P1 software.
Checks for all network adapters and changes their dns for IPV4 % IPV6 to: IPV4 8888 & 1111 IPV6 to google dns for both primary and secondary you may edit it accordingly to your preffered dns.
Uninstall onedrive for you
Display the pc or laptop specs such as ram,cpu,motherboard,drives
Removes ms office remains after uninstalling ms office, Alternative would be to use Revo Uninstaller
This script first enables the existing "Core Networking Diagnostics - ICMP Echo Request" rules for both IPv4 and IPv6 on the Private and Public profiles. Then, it creates a new inbound rule named "Allow Ping (ICMP Echo)" to specifically allow ICMP Echo (ping) requests for both IPv4 and IPv6 on the Private and Public profiles.
Once you run this script with administrative privileges in PowerShell, both the existing rules for ICMP Echo and the new "Allow Ping (ICMP Echo)" rule should be active and enabled, allowing ICMP Echo (ping) requests to pass through the Windows Defender Firewall for the specified profiles.
Fixes issue where you can't ping ip address or pc hostname caused by windows defender firewall
This script defines a function called Test-Ping, which takes a target (hostname or IP address) as input and uses the Test-Connection cmdlet to perform a single ping to that target. If the ping is successful, it displays a message indicating that the ping was successful; otherwise, it displays a message indicating that the target is not reachable or the ping failed.
The script then creates two arrays, one for hostnames and another for IP addresses. It iterates over each item in these arrays and calls the Test-Ping function to ping each hostname and IP address in turn. I'm using it to ping our onity keycard server,basically it pings 2 ip address and 2 hostname and replies a message if it responds correctly,you may edit it to your preference.
Added a shortcut file that when clicked takes you directly to the Network Connection Page on Windows
It's basically a C:\Windows\System32\ncpa.cpl filepath
It's basically a C:\Windows\System32\control.exe mmsys.cpl filepath Can be a fast way to edit the device sounds to custom audio wav format
It is a file renamer when you download playlist from The files downloaded from the above site will contain the following keyword before them [SPOTIFY-DOWNLOADER.COM] just place the bat file into the same folder as the playlist you have downloaded. Specify the drive by default it's C and then specify the directory you can paste it for example \Users\IT\Desktop\christmas music.
Added a powershell script and a compiled exe that terminates the EntryPass P1 Client Exe and waits for 10 seconds so all it's process terminates and then re-launches it
Creates blank folder in specified directory of months January,February,March etc