A toy example for smart input generation (in this case keygenning) using genetic algorithm and control flow graph information.
This software is based on [1,2] and BlackHat presentations, which proposes a model for evolutionary fuzzing.
It would be best if you had clang++ for control-flow graph extraction but, you can compile the main cr4ckm3
executable with g++ or most of the other compilers.
make cfg
make clean
gramEvol class offers a basic framework for generating input string using context-free grammars.
[1] "Sidewinder": An Evolutionary Guidance System for Malicious Input Crafting, Embleton, S., Sparks, S., Cunningham, R.
[2] Automated Vulnerability Analysis: Leveraging Control Flow for Evolutionary Input Crafting, Sparks, S., Embleton, S., Cunningham, R., Zou, C.