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DE4A Authority Agent

This project contains files and scripts for deploying the DE4A SSI Authority Agent. The Agent's implementation is based on open-source project Hyperledger Aries Go:

Requirements (installation of tools for Linux)

  • Linux server (scripts were not tested on other OSes).
  • Git.
  • Docker (20.10.2): for Debian based installations of Linux (e.g. Ubuntu) installation instructions for Docker can be found here and for Fedora here. Note: make sure the user is in the docker group (no sudo required for docker command), instructions can be found here.
  • Docker Compose (1.27.4): for Debian distributions installation instructions are here and for Fedora here.
  • Linux build-essentials (sudo apt-get install build-essential).

Set environment variables

Before the deployment of SSI Authority Agent, the following environment variable must be set (path: v2.0/agent/.env):

  • DOMAIN=<INSERT_PUBLIC_DOMAIN_HERE> (replace <INSERT_PUBLIC_DOMAIN_HERE> with your host's public domain name)
  • COUCHDB_USER=<INSERT_COUCHDB_USER_HERE> (replace <INSERT_COUCHDB_USER_HERE> with database's administrator username)
  • COUCHDB_PASSWORD=<INSERT_COUCHDB_PASSWORD_HERE> (replace <INSERT_COUCHDB_PASSWORD_HERE> with database's administrator password)

Make ports public

The following ports must be open (public), so that SSI agents can communicate and exchange messages:

  • 8081/tcp

Deploy SSI Authority Agent

In the deployment, several Docker containers are started. We have created a docker-compose to set up the whole environment. Docker Compose file contains the following containers:

  • SSI Authority Agent Java REST server
  • JSON-LD Context Server (added in iteration 2)
  • Aries Go REST server
  • CouchDB database server

Deployment diagram:

Deployment Diagram

You can find more details of the container's configuration within the file v2.0/agent/docker-compose.yml.

The configuration parameters to feed the docker compose is in the file v2.0/agent/.env. Furthermore, the implementation guidelines for the VC pattern flow simplification in portals can be found in v2.0/DE4A_VC_flow_guidelines.pdf.

Please review the contents of this configuration file to fit your development, for instance, you can change ports according to your needs.

Once the Aries-related components are configured, it is necessary to adjust the properties required to run the SSI Authority Agent. The properties file ( can be found under v2.0/agent/api-java/conf folder. Since the Authority Agent API communicates with the Aries Go server and the CouchDB database, it is necessary to specify the name of the database where internal status of DID, VC and VP status will be stored along with the credentials for connecting to this database. The following entries in v2.0/agent/api-java/conf/ file for the SSI Authority Agent API need to be changed before running the Docker containers:

db.username=<INSERT DB administrator username>
db.password=<INSERT DB administrator password><INSERT DB name, which will created when using the Authority Agent automatically> (example value: de4a-authority-agent)
bearer.token=<INSERT session token value obtained from the EBSI onboarding website (steps explained below)>

--- added in iteration 2 ---
do.url=<INSERT PORTAL PUBLIC URI> (optional for Verifiers)
de.url=<INSERT PORTAL PUBLIC URI> (optional for Issuers)

exit Note that the alias property is needed when generating DID connection invitations to students in order to display the shortened name of the organization sending an invitation to the student.

Parameters added in iteration 2:

  • organization.img.url - the parameter is needed during establishing DID connection with the student's mobile agent. The image available on this URL is displayed as an organization's icon in the student's mobile phone;
  • client.url - the parameter is used to send status update notifications from the Authority Agent to the Evidence/eProcedure portal already used by the organization. The API endpoint implemented on this URL should be a POST method, which receives a string object in the POST request body;
  • vc.schema.url - the parameter is needed to support VC schema evaluation during VC issuance and VP validation processes. The value does not need to be changed, as the schema description file is hosted by UM.
  • do.url - the parameter is to be specified by the organization that acts as the Issuer of Verifiable Credentials, and it contains the main URL of the Issuer's Evidence Portal. The parameter is used *only for DE4A logging purposes.
  • de.url - the parameter is to be specified by the organization that acts as the Verifier of submitted Verifiable Credentials, and it contains the main URL of the Verifier's eProcedure Portal. The parameter is used only for DE4A logging purposes.

Re-deploying the SSI Authority Agent API for iteration 2

To avoid additional procedures regarding manual registration of Issuers in the EBSI Trusted Issuer Registry, it is possible to re-deploy the Authority Agent REST API service by simply retrieving the latest Docker image from DE4A DockerHub before running the docker-compose file:

docker pull de4a/de4a-ssi-authority-agent-base

This will pull the latest Docker image of the REST API without deleting the DID- and EBSI-related keys already generated for your Authority Agent instance in iteration 1. Once you retrieved the updated Docker image, you can proceed to start the containers.

Note: in order to re-use the did:ebsi identifier and the relevant keys generated for iteration 1, the Aries and Authority Agent ( and services in the v2.0/agent/docker-compose.yml file) should mount the same data directory as their volume, which was used in 1st iteration, so that the previously generated data can be read by these two Docker services..

EBSI integration and signing Verifiable Credentials

The Authority Agent will generate a DID:ebsi on the first startup automatically, which is then used to sign Verifiable Credentials issued by the Trusted Issuer. A generated DID:ebsi imported into the Aries government agent is a pre-condition step for generating VCs. This step is automatized by using the EBSI connector integrated into the Authority Agent. The EBSI Connector is executed automatically by the Authority Agent once you run the docker compose.
The integrated EBSI connector will generate a new DID:ebsi and the necessary keys on the first startup of the Authority Agent, register the DID into the EBSI DID Registry and import the necessary keys into the Aries government agent so that it can sign the VC with the DID:ebsi and check the digital signature during the VC validation. To perform these steps, the EBSI connector needs to communicate with EBSI APIs and to establish this communication, it requires a bearer token, whose value is specified in the configuration file before starting the Docker containers (v2.0/agent/api-java/conf/ IMPORTANT: the bearer token needs to be obtained manually from the EBSI website and copied into the configuration file before running the Docker containers! To do this, go to [] -> Onboard with Captcha -> Desktop Wallet and copy the session token. The obtained token is valid for a limited time (15 minutes), so you need to start the Authority Agent within that period. Otherwise, you will need to repeat the process and obtain a new token.

Once these basic environment properties are changed, you can proceed to starting the containers.

Important additional step in the v2.0 release: To successfully validate the verifiable credentials issued by your organization, you will need to register your organization as a Trusted Issuer into the EBSI TIR Registry. For this step, you will need to contact the EBSI Service Desk team via email and request them to manually register your organization into the TIR registry. Contact information for the Service Desk can be found at here. In your request email, you will need to include the information about the DID:ebsi value, which is generated for your organization by the SSI Authority Agent on startup. The value can be retrieved directly by calling the /get-did-ebsi method in the AA API.

Start containers

To start the containers, it will be necessary to execute the following command:

$cd agent
$docker-compose up -d

If everything has gone well, you should be able to see something similar to this:

Creating                         ... done
Creating              ... done
Creating            ... done
Creating   ... done

SSI Authority Agent logging

The logging functionality of the Authority Agent has been externalized to correspond to the pilot metrics and remove sensitive data from the output. Specifically, the Docker service representing the Authority Agent API logs events and error in /usr/local/tomcat/logs/de4a-metrics-log.txt file in the Docker container. To access the contents of that file, you need to enter the command line of the Docker container by executing the following line (once the containers are running):

docker exec -it /bin/bash
cd ..
cd logs
cat de4a-metrics-log.txt

If the EBSI Connector successfully executed all steps, you should see the following lines at the beginning of the de4a-metrics-log.txt logs file:

[2022-08-25 08:31:09.158] [INFO] [AAI24] [MIZŠ-SI] [UC#1.3] EBSI-CONNECTOR: Successfully created files for EBSI integration.
[2022-08-25 08:31:09.158] [INFO] [AAI25] [MIZŠ-SI] [UC#1.3] EBSI-CONNECTOR: Successfully generated key: ECDSA_Secp256k1, value: 40cab418940b4e0ebdc6630ae627d463.
[2022-08-25 08:31:09.158] [INFO] [AAI25] [MIZŠ-SI] [UC#1.3] EBSI-CONNECTOR: Successfully generated key: EdDSA_Ed25519, value: 2e0e72440c1d42588753d6978f7975c0.
[2022-08-25 08:31:09.158] [INFO] [AAI25] [MIZŠ-SI] [UC#1.3] EBSI-CONNECTOR: Successfully generated key: DID:ebsi, value: did:ebsi:zvuSWb9znaPRcX2JjgsBQWh.
[2022-08-25 08:31:09.158] [INFO] [AAI33] [MIZŠ-SI] [UC#1.3] [EBSI-CONNECTOR] Successfully anchored DID did:ebsi:zvuSWb9znaPRcX2JjgsBQWh for organization MIZŠ-SI into the EBSI DID Registry.
[2022-08-25 08:31:09.158] [INFO] [AAI26] [MIZŠ-SI] [UC#1.3] EBSI-CONNECTOR: Successfully exported JWK private key.
[2022-08-25 08:31:09.158] [INFO] [AAI13] [MIZŠ-SI] [UC#1.3] EBSI-CONNECTOR: Stored current state in Authority Agent internal database.
[2022-08-25 08:31:17.370] [INFO] [AAI12] [MIZŠ-SI] [UC#1.3] EBSI-CONNECTOR: Processing the JSON response received from /kms/import.
[2022-08-25 08:31:09.158] [INFO] [AAI27] [MIZŠ-SI] [UC#1.3] EBSI-CONNECTOR: Successfully imported DID document into Aries..

To see the logs of each container printed in the console, you can also use the following command:

$docker logs -f

Specifically, in the logs of the container, you will see the output of registering the generated DID to EBSI DID registry. You will see a generated DID:ebsi alongside two other keys needed for the communication with EBSI APIs. As the final result, you should see the status message saying that the onboarding process finished successfully. Note: it is possible that the EBSI onboarding won't be successfull on the first try due to occassional problems with APIs, but the EBSI connector is set to keep trying to register the DID until it succeeds.

Stop containers

To stop the containers, you need to execute the following command:

$cd agent
$docker-compose stop

If everything goes well, you should be able to see the following:

Stopping            ... done
Stopping   ... done
Stopping                         ... done
Stopping              ... done
Removing            ... done
Removing   ... done
Removing                         ... done
Removing              ... done
Removing network agent_bdd_net                   ... done

Testing the SSI Authority Agent deployment

You can test if the deployment of the SSI Authority Agent has been successfull directly by calling its API methods from the preferred API development tool (e.g. Postman) by following the API methods described in the Swagger documentation (pre-condition: change the server IP address in file v2.0/authority-agent-api_v2.0.yml).

You can test if the Authority Agent is working properly by checking the current DID connection status for a random user ID (note: replace IP ADDRESS:PORT with your Authority Agent server address). The following request is made:

curl -X 'GET' \
  'http://<IP ADDRESS:PORT>/v2/did-conn-status/alice' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

Please note that the Authority Agent accepts only incoming requests via the HTTP protocol at the moment, so the API URL in your curl requests should start with http:// instead of https://.

The above request should return -1, as there is no DID connection for user ID "alice" at the beginning.

** Flow of API requests in iteration 2: **

The flow of API requests for the Issuer's side is the following:

  1. /did-conn-status/{userId}
  2. /generate-invitation
  3. /did-conn-status/{userId} (for websockets purposes)
  4. /send-vc-offer
  5. /check-offer-vc-response/{userId} (for websockets purposes)

The flow of API requests for the Verifier's side is the following:

  1. /did-conn-status/{userId}
  2. /generate-invitation
  3. /did-conn-status/{userId} (for websockets purposes)
  4. /send-vp-request
  5. /check-request-vp-response/{userId} (for websockets purposes)


DE4A WP5 SSI Authority Agent for VC pattern







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