UEL, unification solver for EL, is a plug-in for Protégé that uses the OWL API.
To clone and compile the project:
$ git clone https://github.com/julianmendez/uel.git
$ cd uel
$ mvn clean install
The library, its sources and its Javadoc will be in uel-library/target
, the plug-in will be in uel-plugin/target
, the standalone will be in uel-standalone/target
, and the release ZIP file will be in target
To compile the project offline, first download the dependencies:
$ mvn dependency:go-offline
and once offline, use:
$ mvn --offline clean install
The bundles uploaded to Sonatype are created with:
$ mvn clean install -DperformRelease=true
and then on each module:
$ cd target
$ jar -cf bundle.jar uel-*
and on the main directory:
$ cd target
$ jar -cf bundle.jar uel-parent-*
The version number is updated with:
$ mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=NEW_VERSION
where NEW_VERSION is the new version.
Barbara Morawska, Stefan Borgwardt, Julian Mendez
Apache License Version 2.0, GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
version | zip | release date | Java | OWL API | Protégé |
uel-1.5.0-SNAPSHOT | 11 | 4.5.9 | 5.5.0 | ||
uel-1.4.0 | (zip) | 2016-04-11 | 8 | 4.1.3 | 5.0.0-beta-23 |
uel-1.3.1 | (zip) | 2015-09-09 | 7 | 3.5.1 | 5.0.0-beta-17 |
uel-1.3.0 | (zip) | 2015-04-15 | 7 | 3.5.0 | 4.3 |
uel-1.2.0 | (zip) | 2012-04-30 | 6 | 3.2.4 | 4.1 |
uel-1.1.0 | (zip) | 2012-03-09 | 6 | 3.2.4 | 4.1 |
uel-1.0.0 | (zip) | 2012-01-27 | 6 | 3.2.4 | 4.1 |
as a plugin: in the all-in-one ZIP file, find the JAR file in directory
and copy it into the Protege plugin directory (.../plugins
). -
as a library: in the all-in-one ZIP file, find the JAR file in directory
and use it as a library. -
as a standalone: in the all-in-one ZIP file, find the JAR file in directory
and run it withjava -jar uel.jar
See release notes.
Any questions or bug reports are truly welcome. Please feel free to contact the authors.
The following tutorial shows how to use UEL. It can be run as a standalone application ...
... or as a plug-in inside Protégé:
The user interface is the same in both cases. One can open the ontologies describing background knowledge and the unification problems using the "open" button of UEL, or using the Protégé menu (all ontologies to be used have to be opened in the same Protégé window).
For our example, we have opened the ontologies headinjury.owl and headinjury-dissubsumption.owl and selected them as the positive and the negative part of the (dis)unification problem, respectively. This small example consists of one equation and two dissubsumptions. A more detailed description can be found in [2]. UEL only recognizes OWL axioms of types subClassOf and equivalentClass in these input ontologies. Additionally, up to two background ontologies can be selected to provide background knowledge in the form of acyclic definitions. It is important that all OWL classes that should be shared between the selected ontologies are identified by the same IRIs in all ontologies.
The next step is to select a unification algorithm to solve the problem. There are different advantages and disadvantages to each of them, which are discussed in the following publications. The SAT-based algorithm was developed in [3], the rule-based one in [4]. Additionally, an experimental encoding into ASP (answer set programming) has been implemented, which however requires the ASP solver clingo to be installed and available via the PATH environment variable of the JVM instance UEL is running in. Both the SAT and the ASP encoding provide the option to compute only so-called minimal assignments; for details, see [1]. It should be noted that negative constraints (dissubsumptions and disequations) are currently only supported by the SAT-based algorithm.
Once an algorithm has been chosen, a click on the arrow button opens a new window that allows to choose which OWL classes are supposed to be treated as variables, and which as constants. Initially, all classes are marked as constants, which are listed in the left column. Using the two first buttons, one can move classes to the second column, to designate them as variables, and back. A click on the third button starts the unification process.
Using the arrow buttons in the next window, one can request the computation of the next unifier, as well as navigate within the set of already computed unifiers. The first and fourth button jump to the first and last unifier, respectively. In case the problem has no solution, the text "[not unifiable]" will be displayed after the first unifier has been requested. Depending on the size of the problem and the chosen unification algorithm, the computation may take a long time, even to get just the first unifier.
Using the last button in the top row, a new window is opened that contains additional information about the actual (dis)unification problem that was sent to the unification algorithm. Due to some preprocessing, additional auxiliary variables may have been introduced. This representation can be saved as a text file. In the bottom, some additional statistics about the unification process are displayed, such as the number of generated clauses for the SAT encoding.
Using the first button in the bottom row, one can also save the currently displayed unifier into an ontology file that contains the displayed definitions for the variables. The recognized file extensions are .krss (for KRSS format as displayed), .owl (for OWL/XML format), and .rdf (for RDF/XML format).
The second button allows to add new dissubsumptions in order to disallow some of the atoms in unifiers. For example, the substitution for Severe_finding should not contain the concept name Head.
Using the first button in the new window, the additional dissubsumptions are added to the goal ontology and the computation of the unifiers is restarted. The second button does the same, but additionally saves the negative goal ontology to a file. In both cases, the view returns to the previous window.
The last button in the bottom row of that window allows to remove the dissubsumptions added in the previous step.
This small tutorial gives an example of how to use UEL as a Java library. The class AlternativeUelStarter
in the uel-plugin module provides a basic OWL API interface to UEL. Its use is illustrated by the code of AlternativeUelStarterTest
and is summarized by the following steps:
Construct an
with the background ontology (anOWLOntology
) as argument. Currently, only acyclic EL terminologies are supported. -
Call the method
with the following arguments: -
The subsumptions and equations of the unification problem that is to be solved (either as an
, or aSet<OWLSubClassOfAxiom>
and aSet<OWLEquivalentClassesAxiom>
). Axioms of types other thanOWLSubClassOfAxiom
in the input ontology are ignored. Furthermore, allOWLEquivalentClassesAxioms
should contain exactly twoOWLClassExpressions
. -
The subsumptions and equations that are to be made false by the unifiers ("dissubsumptions" and "disequations"). The input format is the same as above. Dissubsumptions and disequations are currently only supported by the SAT and ASP processors (see #4 below).
containing all class names that are to be treated as variables for the unification. -
designating the unification algorithm ("processor") to be used, as defined inUnificationAlgorithmFactory
. There is an inefficient RULE_BASED_ALGORITHM, a more mature SAT_BASED_ALGORITHM (using the Sat4j library) with the option to only return "subset-minimal" solutions [1], and an ASP_BASED_ALGORITHM (using the ASP solver Clingo) that as of April 2016 is still under development. If you want to try the ASP algorithm, we can send you more detailed information on how to install Clingo and set up UEL to use it. -
You get back an iterator that gives you unifiers in the form of
specifying a substitution for every variable. EachOWLUelClassDefinition
can be converted into anOWLEquivalentClassesAxiom
. It should be the case that the background ontology, extended by theOWLEquivalentClassesAxioms
given by one unifier, entails all input subsumptions and does not entail any of the dissubsumptions.
marks all UNDEF concepts as variables by default, if you do not want this behaviour, call the method markUndefAsVariables
passing false
as argument before call modifyOntologyAndSolve
also provides a simple command-line interface that can be accessed by starting Java directly on this class. The execution options are not documented yet, but can be found in the in the source code of the main method.
[1] Franz Baader, Stefan Borgwardt, Julian Alfredo Mendez, and Barbara Morawska. UEL: Unification solver for EL. In Proc. DL, 2012. (PDF)
[2] Franz Baader, Stefan Borgwardt, and Barbara Morawska. Dismatching and Disunification in EL. In Proc. RTA, 2015.
[3] Franz Baader and Barbara Morawska. SAT Encoding of Unification in EL. In Proc. LPAR, 2010.
[4] Franz Baader and Barbara Morawska. Unification in the Description Logic EL. Logical Methods in Computer Science 6(3), 2010.