Modified version of mimosa-sprite:
Use spritesmith
Smarter packing algorithm available.
Use json2css
Easily customisable templates.
Heavily inspired by grunt-spritesmith.
For more information regarding Mimosa, see
Add 'spritesmith'
to your list of modules. That's all! Mimosa will install the module for you when you start up.
This module depends on spritesmith which in turn has its own system dependencies.
Once this module has been added to your project, just execute mimosa spritesmith
to generate your sprites. This module comes with some default config (see below) and if your project matches that config, you won't have any other work to do.
This module will generate sprite images and Stylus/CSS artifacts for those sprites.
Sprites will be generated for each folder in the sprite.inDir
. So, if sprite.inDir
points to images/sprite
(the default), and inside images/sprite
there are 3 folders named foo
, bar
and baz
, then 3 sprite .png
s will be created called foo.png
, bar.png
and baz.png
. Those images will be placed in the sprite.outDir
, which is by default images
For each sprite created, this module will place a stylesheet asset (either Stylus or CSS depending on config, Stylus by default), in the sprite.stylesheetOutDir
If you are building many sprites, and those sprites have a set of images in common, you can place the common images in the sprite.commonDir
, by default images/sprite/common
. This special folder will not create a sprite of its own, but any images inside this folder will be included in all sprites.
inDir: "images/sprite"
outDir: "images"
commonDir: "common"
stylesheetOutDir: "stylesheets/sprite"
engine: 'gm'
algorithm: 'binary-tree'
renamer: (imageName, spriteName) -> spriteName + '_' + imageName
: a string. The folder inside which are the images to be sprited. Every folder at the root of this folder will generate a single sprite. This path is relative towatch.sourceDir
, which defaults toassets
: Where to place generated sprites relative towatch.sourceDir
Placing the output images outside the sprite directory makes it easy to exclude the sprite directory from being copied towatch.compiledDir
: Folder inside which are images to be included in every sprite. This is a string path relative toinDir
: Where to place the output stylesheets. Path is relative towatch.sourceDir
, an object or function. Pass-through options for spritesmith, the tool this module uses under the hood to do the heavy lifting.json2css
, and object. Pass-through options for json2css.
If using stylus 0.39.1, you can handle retina sprites by generating a hash
variable. Create one sprite called sprites
and another called sprites@2x
inDir: '../sprites'
stylesheetOutDir: 'stylesheets'
engine: 'gm'
algorithm: 'binary-tree'
format: 'stylus_hashtable'
renamer: (name, spriteName) -> name
'stylus_hashtable': """
${{options.spriteName}} = {
image: '{{{items.0.escaped_image}}}',
width: {{items.0.px.total_width}},
height: {{items.0.px.total_height}},
{{name}}: {{px.offset_x}} {{px.offset_y}} {{px.width}} {{px.height}},
names: {{#items}}'{{name}}' {{/items}}
You can then include the file and generate styles for icons in your stylus file, for example:
@import 'sprites'
@import 'sprites@2x'
width $sprites[name][2]
height $sprites[name][3]
background-position $sprites[name][0] $sprites[name][1]
for spriteName in $sprites.names
background-image url($sprites['image'])
@media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),
(min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),
(-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3/2),
(min-device-pixel-ratio: 3/2)
background-image url($sprites_2x['image'])
background-size $sprites['width'] $sprites['height']