Macao Game made in javascript using http and mqtt protocols.
- async-mqtt
- express
- react
- async-mqtt
- axios
- redux
You can create a new room, or join already existing room provided that you know the room id.
Room with chat, list of players and number of spectators. List of players is refreshing everytime a player joins the room.
- Rules are just like in a standard macao game.
- In the left bottom corner is the chat.
- In the right bottom corner the panel with information about current effect is displayed.
- Above the panel on the right there is a button, where you can ask other players if you can revert your last move. To revert every player in the game has to agree. If your card of choice has some effect requiring you to select some value a panel pops out. When the game is finished, the information about the winner pops out and all the players go back to the Waiting lobby with the possibility to start another game.