All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are displayed in UTC.
Generated by auto-changelog
- fix(legacyedithomepage): add back missing imports
- fix(chromatic): revert comment-based trigger
- chore(homepage): flag edit homepage
- fix(chromatic): typo in output step id
- chore(homepage): style fixes and cleanup
- Trigger chromatic builds for push to develop for baseline
- chore: remove references to UA
- ref(homepage): add highlight component for hero
- fix(chromatic): only proceed if conditions are met
- ref(homepage): adds new dropdown component for hero
- ref(editable): style fixes + error hover
- feat(homepage): styling changes for infobar/pic/resources
- feat(homepage): subsume site notif
- feat(homepage): add section button
- ref(homepage): use new components
- feat(homepage): add in new draggable components
- fix(sl checklist): i need support copy
- chore: downgrade webpack-dev-server
- fix(e2e): reduce mem usage
- Release/0.39.0
17 August 2023
- fix: conditional for checkCSP
- feat(sl): integrate screens with be
- Fix/is 422 update csp retrieval
- Feat(site launch): add pending screen
- fix(announcement modal): only show when otp is not
- IS-398: Write retrieve images from disk and return as base 64
- fix(chromatic): attempt to get full commit hist
- feat(site launch): add storybook for final state screens
- feat(site launch): recommending www domain
- fix(chromatic): comment based chromatic builds
- 0.38.0 (to develop)
8 August 2023
- Is 346 fe UI flow for new domain and old domains
- fix: selectors
- fix(preview): update styling
- feat(is-326): refactor dnd
- fix: move removeOtherCollaborators to use api call directly
- ci(Mergify): configuration update
- Fix branch to reset e2e test repo on
- release(0.37.0): merge to develop
3 August 2023
- fix(feedbackmodal): import order
- Test/review requests
- feat(nps): update UI
- fix(useToastHook): make sure hook is not called conditionally
- fix(deps): upgrade design system
- fix(header): fix context
- Fix: Copy Changes
- test(e2e): add homepage
- IS-349-FE-only-admins-can-launch-sites
- feat(site launch): add in refetch behvaiour
- feat: storybook improvement for site launch pad
- Is 259 write e2e test spec for notifs
- Fix/copy changes
- fix(chromatic.yml): fix failing workflows
- feat(preview): added preview images
- Release 0.36.0
27 July 2023
- Feat/sgid experimental integration
- Revert "refactor(e2e): change naming (#1362)"
- feat( add command
- fix(e2e): reset both master and staging
- refactor(e2e): change naming
- feat(e2e): e2e tests for comments
- feat(form): add NPS modal
- 0.35.0
20 July 2023
- Fix: parse env var from string to boolean
- Feat/repo privatisation
- feat: E2E tests for dashboard
- fix(comments): disable comment drawer if rr has invalid status
- chore: update datadog-ci
- 0.34.0 (merge to dev)
12 July 2023
- feat: update text to be Open Staging
- fix(settings): show warning modal on leaving when there are dirty fields
- chore(build): update storybook to v7
- release(0.33.0): merge to dev
6 July 2023
- feat(siteLaunchPad): prevent users from accessing site launchpad
- Feat/site launch integration with be
- Fix/is 276 toast rerender
- fix(eslint): warn for exhausive deps
- Chore/modify e slint rule
- feat(site launch): site launch pad stories
- Feat(siteLaunchPad): Disclaimer pages Storybook
- 0.32.0 (develop)
26 June 2023
- IS-271: fix bugs on simple mde editor
- fix(ci-e2e): inject env var from workflow
- feat: set cookies with domain
- fix(settings): use gh session defaults
- feat: handle V2 errors for create and update pages
- docs(setup): add docs for e2e setup
- Feat: Upgrade major deps and to Webpack 5
- test(spec): shard out tests for rr
- fix(chromatic cicd): fix over-building chromatic
- test(e2e): scaffold dashboard tests
- feat(site launch): site dashboard stories
- test(e2e): scaffold notif tests
- test(e2e): scaffold comments
- ref(e2e): test structure
- release(0.31.0): merge to develop
15 June 2023
- fix(analytics settings): change to allow 15|16
- fix(constants): update diff values to be constant
- test(e2e): add initial collaborators e2e tests
- chore: update dependencies
- Release/0.30.0 to dev
8 June 2023
5 June 2023
- Fix: trim whitespace
- chore(request overivew): don't show diff for files/images
- Fix: convert email to lower case
- fix: facebook-pixel expected type
- fix: add checks to Header component
- feat(rr): diff view
- release(0.28.0): merge to dev
25 May 2023
- feat(requestoverview): add link to staging/cms
- build(dd): add source maps for frontend
- build(netlify): add plugin for netlify to inject app version
- fix: file name in test
- fix(resourceCategorySpec): fix e2e tests
- fix(workspace): update feature tour hierarchy
- Release 0.27.0 to develop
18 May 2023
- Refactor/is 75 use v2 endpoints for special pages
- Is 157 view request link does not bring user to the view request page
- Fix: update files.spec
- fix: media name regex check
- 0.26.0 (develop)
8 May 2023
- chore: update refetch behaviour
- Fix: refetch diff info when modal is opened
- feat: make updated at field optional on sites page
- Fix: publish button delay
- release(v0.25.0): merge to develop
4 May 2023
- feat(dashboard): Dont reload on window focus
- feat(getAllSites): optimise get all sites, dont reload on window...
- Is 150 fix feature tour zindex
- fix: e2e detached elements fix
- hotfix/v0.24.1
- Release/v0.24.0
28 April 2023
- fix(dashboard): make sure that FT does not show when
27 April 2023
- Feat/feature tour
- fix(folders.spec): pass test cases
- 0.23.0
- feat: add joyride dependencies
- feat: add base files and sequence for feature-tour
- feat(feature tour): storybook feature
20 April 2023
- chore(datadog): update rum session replay % to 100
- Fix: settings tests
- chore(sites.spec): fix e2e
- fix: images tests and add additional image tests
- test(editpage.spec): fix for editpage.spec
- feat(monitoring): adds RUM and heatmaps
- 0.22.0 (develop)
13 April 2023
- Is 59/fix/disallow files and subfolders starting with restricted characters
- Feat/ga4
- fix: duplicate base key
- chore(copy): change capitalisation
- fix(chromatic): fixed formatting
- Duplicate of Hotfix/v0.21.2 into dev
- Hotfix/fix loading bug
- 0.21.0
3 April 2023
- fix(navBar): API change
31 March 2023
- fix: bug in loading flag for login context
30 March 2023
- fix(app): hotfixes for header + routes
- fix(sites): change to using userId
- feat(identity): phase 2
- fix(mergify): update condition
- chore(mergify): add rule for stale PRs
- 0.20.0 (to develop)
16 March 2023
- fix: allow @ in youtube link
- chore(permalinks): change permalink to lowercase
- Chore(deps): Bump @braintree/sanitize-url from 6.0.0 to 6.0.1
- style: remove fixed widths in sites dashboard
- release(0.19.0): merge to develop
9 January 2023
- Fix/frontmatter for link resources
- Chore(deps): Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2
- Chore(deps): Bump express from 4.17.1 to 4.18.2
- fix(usegetpagehook): calls errortoast
- test(specs assertion): add assertions into spec and add blur call for form field
- Chore(deps): Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2
- release(v0.18.0): merge to develop
5 December 2022
- Chore(deps): Bump deep-object-diff from 1.1.7 to 1.1.9
- Chore(deps): Bump @xmldom/xmldom from 0.7.6 to 0.7.9
- chore(chromatic.yml): update to trigger when files are changed
- chore(routeselector): add ability to use markdown
- Chore(deps): Bump @xmldom/xmldom from 0.7.5 to 0.7.6
- release(0.17.0): merge to develop
29 September 2022
- Release/0.16.1 to dev
- fix: add GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable for ci-e2e
- fix(gh-actions): handle failures from bots and refine PR comments
- refactor: abstract menu dropdown button into a common component
- release(0.16.0): merge to develop
28 September 2022
- Fix: remove permalink for file type resources
22 September 2022
- fix(file not uploaded when having 2 dots): Improve user experience by throwing an error
- Refactor/page settings modal
- fix(edit page): avoid using textContent to display XSS modal
- feat: allow e2e tests to be triggered from a PR comment
- Feat/empty states for resource cat
- 0.15.0
15 September 2022
- fix(e2e): workspace.spec
- fix(workspacespec): fix flaky tests
- fix(workspace): create page button fix
- fix(media): remove ?sanitize=true for svg and adjust heading
- feat(workspace): empty state for empty folders and pages
- fix: improve copy of SEO settings field per design
- fix: allow trailing slash for site URL but remove on save
- refactor(media): shifts files/images to v1.5 UI
- Chore(deps): Bump moment-timezone from 0.5.33 to 0.5.35
- Fix: useUpdateDirectoryHook invalidate query
- release(v0.14.0): merge to develop
29 August 2022
- fix(reorderingmodal): removed chakra.button from folderItem
- fix(e2e-tests): update e2e tests
- fix(deletion hooks): update query keys for useDelete hooks
- feat(resourceroom): allow users to update resource room name
- ref(storybook): add page-level stories
- fix: add support for site url config parameter
- fix(validators): fix eslint issues
- Fix/hitting character limit when adding <iframe/>
- fix: update stagingUrl endpoint from v1 to v2
- ref(useGetDirectoryHook): migrate giant hook into smaller pieces
- test(cypress): upgrade cypress to v10 and migrate to ts
- 0.13.0
11 August 2022
- Feat: add acknowledgement on old login screen
- Chore(deps): Bump cached-path-relative from 1.0.2 to 1.1.0
- fix(pagesettingsmodal): use chakra modal and form components
- Chore(deps): Bump terser from 4.8.0 to 4.8.1
- 0.12.0
14 July 2022
- Fix: delete resource category
- Fix: ignore url in config
- Fix: editpage third nav styling
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @storybook/addon-essentials from 6.4.18 to 6.5.9
- Chore(deps): Bump date-fns-tz from 1.1.6 to 1.3.5
- Chore(deps): Bump cypress-file-upload from 5.0.7 to 5.0.8
- Fix: create modal footer
- Chore(deps): Bump moment from 2.29.2 to 2.29.4
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @babel/core from 7.17.9 to 7.18.6
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump type-fest from 2.13.1 to 2.16.0
- Fix: add logout hook to sidebar button
- chore(v1.5): minor UI updates
- refactor(settings): modal now uses warning modal component
- Fix/e2e tests
- release(v0.11.0): merge to develop
30 June 2022
9 June 2022
- Test/add helper methods
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump eslint-config-prettier from 8.1.0 to 8.5.0
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump chromatic from 6.4.3 to 6.5.6
- Chore(deps): Bump prop-types from 15.7.2 to 15.8.1
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @testing-library/jest-dom from 5.12.0 to 5.16.4
- Chore(deps): Bump immutability-helper from 3.0.1 to 3.1.1
- Refactor/design system/isolate global styles
- Chore(deps): Bump dompurify from 2.3.0 to 2.3.8
- Chore(deps): Bump react-color from 2.18.0 to 2.19.3
- Chore(deps): Bump eventsource from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1
- Chore(deps): Bump slugify from 1.5.3 to 1.6.5
- feat(editor): allows copy-pasting of html content
- Fix: save sanitised file data
- release(v0.9.1): merge to develop
30 May 2022
26 May 2022
- fix(package): bump node-sass to 4.14
- ref(design-system): replace buttons (and some others)
- fix(marked): fixed import
- build(deps): upgrade marked
- 0.8.0
12 May 2022
29 April 2022
28 April 2022
- feat(design-system): add ThemeProvider in App
- Fix/resource category capitalisation
- 0.6.0
21 April 2022
- Fix: trim whitespace
- fix(preview): revert leftnav changes
- Chore(deps): Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4
- fix(test): update e2e tests
- Fix: return correct directory type and update comments
- fix(directorycreationscreen'): add missing return
- chore(app): run code mod to remove all unused React imports
- build: run npm audit fix
- Chore(deps): Bump moment from 2.29.1 to 2.29.2
- chore(sites): remove banner
- test: added error message if environment variables are not defined.
- release(0.5.0): merge back to develop
30 March 2022
- Chore(deps): Bump nanoid from 3.1.23 to 3.3.2
- feat(identity): login with email
- release(0.4.0): changelog for develop
10 March 2022
- ref(formField): adds formInput and refactors formField
- fix: package.json & package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities
- 0.3.0
3 March 2022
- Fix/release script
- fix: banner link position
- Chore(deps): Bump url-parse from 1.5.4 to 1.5.10
- Chore(deps): Bump react-query from 3.33.4 to 3.34.16
- Chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.13.2 to 1.14.8
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.22.1 to 2.25.4
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump cz-conventional-changelog from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0
- fix(ci): prevent chromatic from being triggered by bots
- Chore: automate release versioning
- 0.2.0
17 February 2022
- build(react): downgrade react and react-dom to 16.14.0
- feat: add banner component and identity phase 1 banner
- Fix: do not return layout for unlinked pages
- feat(design-system): adds storybook/chromatic and ogp design system
- test(ci): adds recording to cypress
- fix(mediamodal): fixed infinite rendering bug
- fix(mergify): changed rule so that title doesn't start with Bump
- chore: add auto-changelog
- refactor(formFieldMedia): splits components into smaller pieces
- refactor(mediamodal): removed nested ternary to make component more readable
- chore: add mergify
- Fix/media validation
- chore(.github/templates): added a PR template so we don't have to think through how to structure
- Media/refactor
- chore(nvmrc): adds nvmrc to pin node version
- Fix: increase allowable permalink length
- Fix/unset permalink for files
- Refactor/resource room
- Chore(deps): Bump react-query from 3.18.1 to 3.33.4
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @babel/eslint-parser from 7.14.5 to 7.16.3
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump eslint-plugin-prettier from 3.3.1 to 4.0.0
- Chore(deps): Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7
- Chore(deps): Bump tmpl from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5
- Chore(deps): Bump js-base64 from 2.5.2 to 3.7.2
- Chore(deps): Bump @sentry/tracing from 5.30.0 to 6.15.0
- Refactor/settings
- Refactor/workspace collections
- Style/module aliases and import sorting
- Hotfix to develop: update fonts for span
- Feat/page meta
- Feat/use form
- fix: package.json & package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities
- Feat: add telegram and tiktok socials
- Chore: update cypress test command
- Fix: disable manual user input for colours
- Fix/handle 409
- Feat: add description field to settings page
- test: e2e authentication
- Fix/dompurify a attribute
- [hotfix to develop] Allow iframe objects in EditPage
- Refactor/collection pages
- fix: add http security headers
- fix: update logout to use delete
- [develop] fix: xss
- feat: validate and sanitize media files
- Fix: adjust simple mde styling
- Fix/dependency upgrades except node sass
- fix: upgrade dompurify from 2.2.2 to 2.3.0
- fix: upgrade @sentry/react from 5.27.6 to 5.30.0
- fix: upgrade @sentry/tracing from 5.27.6 to 5.30.0
- fix: upgrade bootstrap from 4.4.1 to 4.6.0
- fix: upgrade html-react-parser from 1.1.1 to 1.2.7
- fix: upgrade slugify from 1.4.0 to 1.5.3
- fix: upgrade type-fest from 0.13.1 to 0.21.3
- fix: upgrade react-query from 3.9.8 to 3.18.1
- fix: upgrade easymde from 2.9.0 to 2.15.0
- Create dependabot.yml
- test: cleanup e2e tests
- test: reset e2e repo state
- fix: oauth flow
- Revert "style: introduce aliasing, sort imports (#511)"
- Lint/update husky linter
- fix: validates that resource page dates are not in future
- feat: increase max length of edithomepage titles
- chore: set npm run dev
- style: introduce aliasing, sort imports
- style: manual eslint fixes
- fix: prevent eslint errors from blocking build
- lint: auto fix with eslint
- lint: code formatting
- Feat: Cypress Tests for Settings
- Fix: show social media links even if empty
- Feat/cypress test images
- Fix images in private repos not displaying in CMS
- feat: add Pages tests
- Feat/editpage tests
- Feat: add resource category tests
- fix: update save button for resource modal when fileUrl changes
- Feat/moving media
- Feat/front matter changes for resources and pages
- chore: update dependencies using npm audit fix
- fix: duplicate resource title check for example_title
- Fix: disable save button for folder modal on error
- Fix/resource name check
- Feat/nested media layout
- fix: check if userId exists before setting it
- [Cleanup] remove unused utils
- chore: set up basic Cypress E2E tests
- fix: third nav title on page creation
- fix: fixes toast popup on item select, folder deletion modal
- fix: pass parameters to wrapped components
- Fix/fine-tune react-query settings
- refactor: clean up ProtectedRoute and LoginContext
- Fix/rearrange layout
- Fix/resource color
- Add linting and formatting tools
- Fix: remove loading spinner for images/files which are being uploaded
- fix: misc fixes
- Fix/misc UI fixes
- Refactor: rename name attributes to filename
- fix: add resourceRoomName and resourceName to breadcrumb
- Fix/folder naming copy ux
- fix: resource copy changes
- fix: workspace copy changes for Collections > Folders
- Fix: remove encoding in homepage and when saving edit contact us
- Fix/check contactus layout
- Fix: disable creation of resource room link if user has no resource room
- Refactor/page settings
- Fix/original frontmatter
- Feat/retrieve site url
- Fix/misc sidebar and third nav display fixes
- Fix/resource url
- Feat/dropdown ux
- Feat/new header and sidebar format
- Fix/handle invalid folders in edit nav bar
- Feat/page dropdown api
- Feat/add ordering to new files when moving
- feat: replace js-yaml library with yaml library
- Feat: empty folders, add resource category
- Feat/delete rename subfolders
- Feat/menu-dropdown-component
- Feat/fix edit page to work with new format
- Feat/save new folder functionality
- Feat/new page folder
- Feat/create success and error toast wrapper functions
- Feat/folder creation modal layout
- Feat/display collection in nav bar
- refactor: use react-query for EditNavBar
- Feat/drag drop new
- Feat/new folder layout
- Feat/edit nav bar page
- Fix: restriction of image files that can be uploaded
- Feat/userId
- Feat/update site colors without re-render
- Refactor: editHomepage to use hooks
- Refactor: change edit page to use hooks
- refactor/change editContactUs to use hooks
- Fix/double auto logout
- Fix: show different messages for field for new pages and existing pages
- Feat/media modal search bar
- fix: truncate long titles of cards
- fix: creates div to wrap formfield
- fix: update dependencies with vulnerability alert
- fix: updates syntax for background image size
- Fix/slugify collection and resource category name automatically
- fix: modify editpage error class css to underline spelling errors
- Chore(deps): bump axios from 0.19.2 to 0.21.1
- Feat/add form toggle button
- Feat/contact us changes
- Fix/highlight errors on edit homepage
- fix: button handler is not called after blur event in Firefox
- Fix: disable check for url for resources section
- Fix/url check for button and category field title
- fix: remove use of enquote string
- Feat/use site colors
- Fix/private repo access and misc UI bug fixes
- Feat/error handling when media payload is rejected by nginx
- Feat/implement resource type handling from file name
- Fix/edit error handling and misc fixes
- Fix/update resource name display and fix misc bugs
- Fix: add check for PayloadTooLargeError for media
- Feat/warning if unsaved settings
- Feat/add 404 and generic error pages
- Feat/toast notification errors
- Feat/contact us page
- fix: set state directly in EditHomepage
- Feat/add settings fields
- Fix/misc. UI bugs
- Feat/add error handling for same file name
- Feat/toggle buttons for edit homepage
- Fix: proper intialization of section errors
- Revert "test: throw error to test Sentry integration (#264)"
- test: throw error to test Sentry integration
- Feat/implement sentry error boundary
- Feat/misc ui fixes
- Fix/misc component settings issues
- Fix: memory leaks in application
- Fix/misc homepage ui issues and minor general bug fixes
- Feat/add settings modal to folder card
- Fix/create resource room
- feat: mask markdown editor until page content has loaded
- Feat/add page moving functionality
- Fix: prevent rerender of third nav component
- Fix/misc ui fixes
- Fix/edit homepage ui fixes
- Feat/manage third nav elems
- Feat/csp check
- feat: adds hyperlink modal to prompt users for input text and link
- Fix/broken images
- fix: rename prevCategory to originalCategory
- Feat/resource file hierarchy
- chore: increase hero subtitle max length to 160 chars
- Feat/collections layout
- Feat/combine page and resource card and page and resource settings
- Fix/remove cookie checker
- Fix/form field image modal and minor homepage and settings changes
- hotfix: add missing
- fix: redirect to /sites only after login state changes to true
- Feat/automatic logout
- Fix/revamp EditCollectionPage component
- fix: missing
prop for MediaSettingsModal in Images layout#181
- fix: image filename validation bug
- Fix/revamp homepage preview
- Feat/prevent navigation if unsaved changes
- Fix/unstack image upload modal
- Fix/more misc ui bugs
- Fix: display issue for breadcrumb
- Fix: handle behaviour on logout
- fix: update Settings page to read from updated backend response
- feat: combine files & images modal
- Fix/misc ui bugs
- improvement: resources file url
- style: line height for resource card
- feat: Revamp files tab
- fix(resource-card): reduce setting icon hitbox
- [Feat - EditPage, ImagesModal] Highlight selected image
- center settings icon in page cards
- style: login page
- feat: logout button
- feat: display create new resource button up front
- feat: remove Footer button
- [Feat] Add deletion warning modals
- [feat] Allow rename before image upload in EditPage, refactor ImageModal
- feat: permalink setter
- [Feat] Allow image upload in EditPage
- Feat/disable save when loading
- feat: make repo commitizen-friendly
- Feat/upload image rename modal
- [Feat] Create settings page
- fix: allow users to change category of existing post
- [Feat] Revamp images tab
- feat: add radio button to switch resource types
- feat: flatten media tab
- feat: add homepage infopic section
- fix: modify markdown parsing logic
- fix: make EditNav preview mobile responsive
- fix: remove DELETE API call when creating new page
- fix: add correct main menu header elements
- fix: remove validation for permalinks on the hero page
- fix: make Hero button optional
- style: fix letter spacing issue caused by isomer-template CSS
- feat: add on to menu tab
- fix: typo in Pages and lint files
- Revert "Revert "fix: refresh form only after all API calls finish (#72)" (#84)"
- Revert "fix: refresh form only after all API calls finish (#72)"
- fix: refresh form only after all API calls finish
- feat: improve loading ux
- fix: make background cover entire page height
- feat: set up EditHomepage header elements
- style: fix homepage editor styling
- style: zoom out the display for EditPage and EditCollectionPage
- feat: add Menus page
- feat: style and validate homepage
- Make header dynamic
- style: create class for sites section title
- BREAKING CHANGE: Include collection pages in the
- [Styling] Style Sites page
- [bug fix] Correct typo in response attribute
- Show tree structure of the navigation menu
- Pages and Resource Room refactor and styling
- Add basic resource room functionality
- allow users to modify page frontmatter from Pages page
- Homepage advanced
- Feature: Display images in EditPage and EditCollectionPage
- Feat: Add drag-drop functionality to homepage sections
- fix: make image upload predictable
- Use this.setState to set newFileName
- Feature: Two-pane markdown editor and display for Collections pages
- Feature: Homepage continued
- fix: preview SVGs
- Homepage
- Prototype markdown editor
- improve image page
- Lint
- update instructions to develop locally
- edit Sites.js
- rename files to documents as per
- Add linting and formatting tools (#378)
- Refactor for Folders flow and Workspace (unlinked pages) flow
- lint fix
- refactor all handler functions in EditHomepage