Releases: dcompara/Laser-interaction-in-fields-rate-equations-forces
Full and 1st order diagonalization
Add a timing dependance for the lasers using Laser_Intensity[#Laser] files. No more switching
The levels and lines files have been simplify (no 2N, 2J, 2Omega neither DE and Gamma of the transition).
The Lines are now given by their dipole not by dipole^2/3 as before (even for continuum transition: no more cross section)
For an continuum transition (annihilation, photoionizaiton, ...) we use incoherent summation for the dipoles
V1.4 use complex dipoles
Use complex dipoles.
The list_params is for positroniumand the sortie_donnee and sortie_rate are also link to this
Complex Hamiltonian for arbirary dipoles + polarization
Was done for n=1,n=2 (23 levels of Positronium)
V1.2: simplified version
Simplify (a bit) the code. Removing Sisyphus forced repumping, Franck_Condon part and the velocity scalling part
Put new ToDo list
Comment a bit more the List_Param and sortie_donnee with examples
More general diagonalization
V1.0.2 Merge branch 'master' of…
small modifications to test for simplified diagonalizaton
Merge pull request #1 from dcompara/test-diagonalization-with-all-fields test for improving diagonalization
64 bits version
Main Code