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dchawisher authored Sep 21, 2020
1 parent 127704a commit 3b280c8
Showing 1 changed file with 150 additions and 12 deletions.
162 changes: 150 additions & 12 deletions Westlaw.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
"translatorID": "fc9e5c87-2a77-450c-8a05-d48c58dbca69",
"translatorType": 4,
"label": "Westlaw",
"creator": "David Hawisher",
"target": "^.*westlaw.*",
"minVersion": "3.0",
"maxVersion": "",
"maxVersion": null,
"priority": 10,
"inRepository": true,
"translatorType": 4,
"browserSupport": "gcsibv",
"lastUpdated": "2020-08-07 15:48:48"
"lastUpdated": "2020-08-20 08:23:10"

function detectWeb(doc, url) {
// Icon shows only for cases, statutes, and regulations
let head = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//title')
@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ function doWeb(doc, url) {
NewItem.filingDate = //Need this to make a shortened bluebook citation style work
let court = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//span[@id="courtline"]/text()').replace(/\.$/g, "")
let note = getAnnotations(doc)
if (note) { NewItem.notes.push({'note': note, 'tags': ['note']}) }
if (note) NewItem.notes.push({'note': note})
Object.assign(NewItem, parseCitations(citationArray))
NewItem.shortTitle = shortTitle(NewItem.caseName)
NewItem.jurisdiction = parseJurisdiction(court)
@@ -74,56 +75,188 @@ function doWeb(doc, url) {
if (!codeNum) {
codeNum = []
let nSection = section
if (section) {
section = section.replace("-", "\\-")
nSection = section.replace("-", "\\-")
if (abbrevMap[code]) {
code = abbrevMap[code]
NewItem.title = document.getElementsByClassName('co_title')[0].innerText
NewItem.codeNumber = codeNum
NewItem.section = section
NewItem.section = nSection
NewItem.code = code
NewItem.title = code ? code + " " + NewItem.title : NewItem.title
NewItem.title = codeNum ? codeNum + " " + NewItem.title : NewItem.title
} catch (err) {
NewItem.title = cite
let note = getStatuteText(doc, NewItem.title)
if (note) NewItem.notes.push({'note': note})
NewItem.publicationDate = effectiveDate
NewItem.url = "" + NewItem.codeNum + "%20" + NewItem.code + "%20" + NewItem.section + "#autoLogin"
let metadata = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('co_document').nextElementSibling.value.replace(/\\/g, ""))
let guid = metadata['docGuid']
NewItem.url = `${guid}/View/FullText.html?transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default)&VR=3.0&RS=cblt1.0`

function getStatuteText(doc, title) {
let statute = document.getElementsByClassName("co_contentBlock co_briefItState co_body")[0]
let sParagraphs = statute.getElementsByClassName("co_paragraphText")
let note = title
let indentMod = 0 //left indent is smaller than hanging indent at the same number
for (p of sParagraphs) {
let indent = 0
//if (p.className.match(/(?:co_indentHanging)([1-9])/)) indent++
try {
indent+= p.className.match(/(?:co_indentLeft)([1-9])/)[1]
} catch(err) {

indent = Math.min(indent, 5) * 20
indent = indent ? ` style='padding-left: ${indent}px'` : ''
note += `<p${indent}>${p.innerText}</p>` + '\n'
if (note.length > title.length) return note

//Get case highlighting and associated page numbers and use as note for Zotero item. This is really useful.
function getAnnotations(doc) {
let highlights ='co_hl'))
if (highlights.length === 0) return
let commentsArray ='co_noteHolder'))
let hTemp = []
let comments = {}
let i = -1
let annotationRegex = /(?:co_noteHolder_|co_selection_)([0-9])+/

highlights.forEach((item, index) => { //we want an array of objects, each representing an entire highlighted passage
if ( { //the first span of each highlight has an ID and the rest do not, so we use that to check whether the item is part of a previous highlight
hTemp[i]['id'] =[1] || id
hTemp[i]['color'] = hTemp[i]['color'] || item.className.match(/(yellow|green|blue|pink|orange|purple|black)/)[0]
hTemp[i]['page'] = getPageNumber(item, doc)
hTemp[i]['text'] = ""
hTemp[i]['text'] = hTemp[i]['text'] + item.innerText + ""
highlights = hTemp

if (commentsArray.length > 0) { //now we want an object of the comments, since comments will be associated with highlights.
commentsArray.forEach((item, index) => {
comments[[1]] = item.getElementsByClassName('co_viewNoteText')[0].innerText

let note = ''

for (s of noteSections) {//TODO make this more resilient to improper colors in the future
let sNote = ''
for (h of highlights) {
if (s[1].indexOf(h.color) > -1) {
if (comments[]) {
sNote += `<p>${comments[]}:</p>` + "\n"
sNote += `<p><blockquote>${h.text} [${}]</blockquote></p>` + "\n"
if ((s[0] === "Other" | s[0] === "Reasoning") & note.length === 0) {
note = sNote
} else if (sNote.length > 0) {
note += `<h4>${s[0]}</h4>` + "\n" + sNote

return note
//Helper array for structuring output note. Category name (in preferred order),
//followed by an array of color names, choosing from yellow, green, blue, pink, orange, purple, black.
const noteSections = [
["Rule", ["green"]],
["Reasoning", ["green", "yellow"]],
["Facts", ["blue"]], //Have to do it this way to ensure that the holding goes with the reasoning in support of it
["Concerning Language", ["pink"]],
["Other", ["orange", "purple", "black"]] //Remaining colors.

/* function getAnnotations(doc) {
let annotations ='co_hl'))
let comments ='co_noteContainer'))
let arr = []
let text = ''
let noteText = ''
let page = ''
let commentsObj = {} //put comment text in an object corresponding to the annotationid, which is how we will link each note's text to its comment
if (comments.length > 0) {
comments.forEach((item, index) => {
commentsObj[item.getAttribute('data-annotationid')] = item.children[0].children[2].innerText
if (annotations.length > 0) {
annotations.forEach((item, index) => {
let id = item.getAttribute('data-annotationid')
let next = annotations[index + 1] || false
let idNext = ''
idNext = (next ? annotations[index + 1].getAttribute('data-annotationid') : '')
text += item.innerText
noteText += item.innerText
page = page || getPageNumber(item, doc)
if (id !== idNext) {
arr.push({ 'id': id, 'text': text.trim(), 'page': page })
arr.push({ 'id': id, 'text': noteText.trim(), 'page': page })
page = ''
text = ''
noteText = ''
if (arr.length > 0) {
let note = ''
for (b of arr) {
if (commentsObj[]) {
note += `<p>${commentsObj[]}</p>`
note += `<p><blockquote>${b.text} [${}]</blockquote></p>`
return note
} */

function getPageNumber(ele, doc) { //for now this is only used for annotations. We get the page number of each annotation by iterating through the page numbers in the document until we find one that occurs after the start of our annotation.
let page = ""
try { //Check if ele is in a footnote
if (document.getElementById('co_footnoteSection').contains(ele)) {
let i = 0
while (ele.className !== 'co_footnoteBody' & i < 6) {
ele = ele.parentNode
if (ele.className !== 'co_footnoteBody') return 'footnote'
ele = ele.previousSibling
if (ele.className !== 'co_footnoteNumber') return 'footnote'
page = "n." + ele.innerText
try {
let value = JSON.parse(ele.firstChild.value.replace(/\\/g, ""))
page = "*" + value["pageNumber"] + " " + page
return page
} catch(err) {
return "n." + ele.innerText
} catch(err) {
let pageNumbers = doc.getElementsByClassName('co_starPage')
let comparison = 0
for (pageNumber of pageNumbers) {
@@ -232,10 +365,15 @@ var trimPattern = /(^( )|( |,|Inc.|Co.|LLC|LLLP|LLP)$)/mgi

//Helper array for using the preferred reporter.
var preferredReporters = [
['Fed.Appx.', true],
['U.S.', true],
['NCBC', false],
['WL', false]

//Codes and Statutes
var codeRex = /(C\.F\.R\.|NCAC|U\.S\.C\.A\.|N\.C\.G\.S\.A\.|West\'s\sAnn\.Cal\.[a-zA-Z\.]+\sCode)/
var codeRexMap = {

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