This is a PHP script for the migration from three different GLPI installs to a fresh new GLPI 10.0.5 install.
- We create three different entities in the new install representing each old GLPI instances;
- We manage and import the users that are similiar on the old GLPI intances to the new one without duplicating them;
- We import Users, Tickets, Locations, ITIL Categories and Documents from the old instances;
- Users that are admins, superadmins, supervisors or technicians in an old instance are imported as a technician for their correspondent entity;
- We use the following GLPI database tables: glpi_users, glpi_useremails, glpi_profiles_users, glpi_locations, glpi_tickets, glpi_tickets_tickets, glpi_tickets_users, glpi_itilfollowups, glpi_itilsolutions, glpi_itilcategories, glpi_documents and glpi_documents_items;
- We change the user DN for the new one that is configure in the new LDAP base;
The image below summarizes what you may do with this script:
- php-mysql
- php-ldap
Do a git clone of the project:
git clone
Specify your parameters on Params.sample.php. Copy your modified file to Params.php.
Execute the PHP script:
php Main.php 2>&1 > logs/log.txt
Feel free to modify this code as you wish!