Reactivate is a module that is a composition of many other useful modules:
npm install reactivate --save
Entry provides some convenience functions for working with entries. An entry is an array where the head is the key and the tail contains values (e.g.: ['/some/key', value1, value2, ...]).
import {Entry} from 'reactivate';
// Returns the array of values for an entry
var values = Entry.values(entry);
// Returns the key of an entry
var key = Entry.key(entry);
Key provides convenience functions for parsing and stringify'ing keys.
import {Key} from 'reactivate';
// Converts string format into array format
var keys = Key.parse('/i/am/a/key');
// Converts array format into string format
var key = Key.stringify(['i','am','a','key']);
Route is the core of Rille and provides support for routing entries (key + values) to appropriate subscribers.
import {Route} from 'reactivate';
// Create a route
const route = Route();
// Subscribe to receive updates to a route
route.subscribe((key, ...values) => {
console.log('My key is ' + key + ' and my values are ' + JSON.stringify(values));
// Subscribe to receive updates on a child route
route('/child/1').subscribe((key, ...values) => {
console.log('My key is ' + key + ' and my values are ' + JSON.stringify(values));
// Subscribe to receive updates for all child of a route (a wildcard route)
route('/child/*').subscribe((key, ...values) => {
console.log('Wildcard Route: My key is ' + key + ' and my values are ' + JSON.stringify(values));
// Push a value(s) to a route
// Push value(s) of any type to a route
route.push('Hi!', {user: 'Frank'});
// Push value(s) to a child route
route('/child/1').push('Hi child!');
Store is a route that retains it's most recent entry.
import {Store} from 'reactivate';
// Create a store just like a route
const store = Store();
var child = store('/some/child');
// Subscribe to a store just like a route
child.subscribe((...entry) => {
console.log('received ' + JSON.stringify(entry));
// Push to a store just like a route
child.push('Hello child!');
// Get the most recent entry
var entry = child.entry();
console.log('most recent entry ' + JSON.stringify(entry));
// Get the array of values for the most recent entry
var values = child.values();
console.log('most recent values ' + JSON.stringify(values));
// Get a particular value from the most recent entry
console.log('message is "' + child.values(0) + '".');
- Components are pre-wired to render whenever a Reactivate store receives data.
- Components are React components and still support the React features you've come to love.
import {Component,Store} from 'reactivate';
import {render} from 'react-dom';
const HelloReactivate = Component({
store: Store('/profile'),
getInitialState() {{name: 'Reactivate'});
onChange(event) {{
render() {
return (
<Greeting store={}/>
<input type="text" onChange={this.onChange} placeholder="Enter Name"/>
const Greeting = Component({
render() {
return <span>Hello {[1].name}!</span>
- Reactivate now uses "rille", "rille-react".
- Reactivate is now an all in one solution for people who like all things Rille and React.
- "History" is now more fittingly named "Log".
- "Log" is exposed as future functionality will utilize it directly (e.g. time machine support).
- Added "changeCount" to Store via history.
- Added "size" to Store via history.
- Added allowance for unlimited capacity when set to 0. Default to Store is still 1.
- Added "immutable" option to Store.
- Changed "setState" to "push" in preparation for new features.
- Changed "getState" to "value" in preparation for new features.
- Added "History" module to record pushes.
- Component now works through the "" reference.
- Due to history, you can now iterate over store.values() as a stream.