Slice deep-zoom tiled images to be used with OpenSeaDragon or ARTiledImageView.
gem install dzt
dzt help
dzt slice image.jpg --output tiles
Creates a tiles folder with deep-zoom tiles. This will use the defaults defined in /lib/dzt/tiler.rb.
You can pass in flags to override all these options, such as:
dzt slice image.jpg --output=tiles --format=90 --tile-format=png
Additionally, you can have generated files uploaded to S3 for you. You can specify that like:
dzt slice image.jpg --acl=public-read --bucket=bucket --s3-key=prefix --aws-id=id --aws-secret=secret
The files will be uploaded to the bucket specified, and generated files will be prefixed by the s3 key.
Copyright (c) 2015, Daniel Doubrovkine, Artsy. Some tiling code inspired from deep_zoom_slicer.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.