Install Traefik to access your Drupal site using their "domain name" instead of "IP:port" . This is an one time setup and use with all projects. This is usefull for both Drupal and Non-Drupal projects.
docker network create -d bridge traefik-network
docker run -d --network=traefik-network -p 80:80 -p 8080:8080 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --name=traefik traefik:latest --api --docker
Step 1
git clone
Step 2 (optional)
Modify .env file as per your requirements
Step 3
docker-compose up -d
Step 4
docker exec -it affiliates_connect composer install
Step 5 (Import configuration)
docker exec -it affiliates_connect vendor/bin/drupal ci
Step 6 (Rebuild Cache)
docker exec -it affiliates_connect vendor/bin/drupal cr
Browse the Drupal site using ac.localhost
username - admin
password - aaaaaa
- Go to configuration page, Under 'System' block, click Advance Crawler Settings
- Enter the Nodejs Server host -
If you are running on your localhost, then enter local ip like
localhost wont work as docker will search for the address inside the container. - Enter the Nodejs server port