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SanityWebhookPlug is a Plug that verifies Sanity webhooks for your Elixir Plug application. Designed to work with Sanity GROQ-powered webhooks
def deps do
{:sanity_webhook_plug, "~> 0.1.3"}
Use this plug in your endpoint:
# If using Plug or Phoenix, place before `plug Plug.Parsers`
# For Phoenix apps, in lib/my_app_web/endpoint.ex:
plug SanityWebhookPlug,
at: "/webhooks/sanity",
handler: MyAppWeb.SanityWebhookHandler
You may alternatively configure the secret in config, which will be read during runtime:
# in config/runtime.exs
config :sanity_webhook_plug,
webhook_secret: System.get_env("SANITY_WEBHOOK_SECRET")
Define a handler to handle webhooks:
defmodule MyAppWeb.SanityWebhookHandler do
@behaviour SanityWebhookPlug.Handler
alias Plug.Conn
# see below for an example using Phoenix
@impl SanityWebhookPlug.Handler
def handle_event(conn, params) do
# Process and return the conn
|> Conn.put_resp_header("content-type", "application/json")
|> Conn.send_resp(200, Jason.encode!(%{success: "yay!"}))
@impl SanityWebhookPlug.Handler
def handle_error(conn, error) do
# Process and return the conn
|> Conn.put_resp_header("content-type", "application/json")
|> Conn.send_resp(500, Jason.encode!(%{error: "uh oh!"}))
(required): The request path to match against. eg,"/webhooks/sanity"
(required): The controller-like module that responds tohandle_event/2
that is passed the conn and the params, andhandle_error/2
that is passed the conn and the error. The error may be an exception or a string.:secret
: The Sanity webhook secret. eg:123abc
. Supplying an MFA tuple will be called at runtime, otherwise it will be compiled. If not set, it will obtain viaApplication.get_env(:sanity_webhook_plug, :webhook_secret)
. If supplying an MFA or function reference, it must return{:ok, my_secret}
or a string.:json_decoder
: JSON encoding library. When not supplied, it will use choose Phoenix's configured library,Jason
, orPoison
. Sanity requires JSON-encoded responses.
Options forwarded to Plug.Conn.read_body/2
- sets the number of bytes to read from the request at a time.:read_length
- sets the amount of bytes to read at one time from the underlying socket to fill the chunk.:read_timeout
- sets the timeout for each socket read.
Verifying the signature requires reading the body, but its best to do this
before interpreting the body into JSON or other parsed formats. Plug can
protect your system by limiting how much of body to read to prevent exhaustion.
Ideally, any of these settings you have for Plug.Parsers
in your endpoint, you
should also have for SanityWebhookPlug.
The body and query params will be merged and given to your handler, which matches Phoenix behavior.
An example using Phoenix
## In lib/my_app_web/endpoint.ex
# place before Plug.Parsers
defmodule MyAppWeb.Endpoint do
use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :my_app
# ...
plug SanityWebhookPlug,
at: "/webhooks/sanity",
handler: MyAppWeb.SanityWebhookHandler
# Plug.Parsers down here somewhere
## in lib/my_app_web/controllers/sanity_webhook_handler.ex
def MyAppWeb.SanityWebhookHandler do
use MyAppWeb, :controller
require Logger
@behaviour SanityWebhookPlug.Handler
# handle known events
def handle_event(conn, %{"_type" => type, "_id" => id}) do
# do something
json(conn, %{success: "Did the thing!"})
def handle_event(conn, params) do
Logger.warn("SanityWebhook: unhandled webhook: #{inspect(params)}")
|> put_status(500)
|> json(%{error: "unhandled webhook"})
def handle_error(conn, error) do
debug = SanityWebhookPlug.get_debug(conn)
Logger.error("SanityWebhook error: #{inspect(debug)}")
|> put_status(400)
|> json(%{error: inspect(error)})