This module will scan your JavaScript files for unused AMD dependencies. Someday it may do more. If you've got any ideas, fire up an issue!
For more information regarding Mimosa, see
Add 'require-lint'
to your list of modules. That's all! Mimosa will install the module for you when you start up.
define(['backbone','underscore'], function(Backbone, _) {
var view = new Backbone.View()
return view;
For the above totally worthless piece of code, this module will provide the following warning:
Dependency [[ underscore ]] declared but not used in [[ /path/to/lame/file.js ]]
It will also work for the AMD CommonJS wrapper
define(function(require, exports, module){
var Backbone = require('backbone'),
var _ = require('underscore');
var view = new Backbone.View()
module.exports = view;
And the warning:
Dependency [[ underscore ]] declared but not used in [[ /path/to/lame/file.js ]]
requireLint: {
: array of strings or regexes that match files to not jshint, strings are paths that can be relative to the watch.sourceDir or absolute.