This code in this repository demonstrates how to:
- Send messages from an Azure Function to Event Hubs using the Kafka protocol.
- Use dependency injection in .NET Azure Functions for a Kafka producer.
- Consume message from a Kafka topic using kafkacat.
Accompanying blog post:
The following steps will create an instance of Azure Event Hubs that is enabled with the Kafka protocol. It will also create an event hub (kafka topic) and an access policy for sending and listening to events. These steps can be achieved with the Azure Cloud Shell.
rgname={your resource group name}
location={preferred azure region}
ehnamespace={unique event hubs namespace name}
ehname={event hub/topic name}
# create resource group
az group create -n $rgname -l $location
# create event hubs namespace with kafka enabled
az eventhubs namespace create -g $rgname --name $ehnamespace -l $location --sku Standard --enable-kafka true
# create event hub
az eventhubs eventhub create -g $rgname --namespace-name $ehnamespace --name $ehname
# create shared access policy with send and listen rights
az eventhubs eventhub authorization-rule create --eventhub-name $ehname --name $authorizationrule --namespace-name $ehnamespace -g $rgname --rights Send Listen
# query for the primary connection string
az eventhubs eventhub authorization-rule keys list --resource-group $rgname --namespace-name $ehnamespace --eventhub-name $ehname --name $authorizationrule --query "primaryConnectionString"
This repository contains a HTTP-triggered function that takes the incoming request and passes it along to a kafka topic. The function also showcases how to leverage the recently released dependency injection support of .NET functions.
"IsEncrypted": false,
"Values": {
"AzureWebJobsStorage": "",
"IsLocal": "1",
"EventHubConnectionString": "{your-event-hub-connection-string}",
"EventHubFqdn": "{event-hub-namespace}",
"EventHubName": "{event-hub-name}"
When deployed in Azure, the last three settings (EventHubConnectionString, EventHubFqdn, EventHubName) must be configured in the application settings.
The IsLocal setting should be emitted or set to "0".
kafkacat is an easy-to-use utility for consuming events from a Kafka topic.
Install kafkacat: If you are using a Windows machine, you can use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
From the terminal:
# initialize variables
connectionString="{your event hub connection string}"
kafkaEndpoint="{event hub namespace name}"
# consume events (starting at the end offset)
kafkacat -X security.protocol=SASL_SSL -X sasl.mechanisms=PLAIN -X sasl.username="\$ConnectionString" -X sasl.password=$connectionString -b $kafkaEndpoint -t $topicname -o end