June 2021: This is a work-in-progress.
An example pipeline for running Dataform pipelines in Cloud Run.
Inspired by Mete Atamel and his example of dbt in Cloud Run
Code is stored in Cloud Source repositories, on push to git it will build a new version of the service with Cloud Build.
Credentials are stored in Secret Manager.
There is a webserver made in nodejs that listens for a request on 8080. Request is authenticated by cloud run, so no extra authentication is done in nodejs.
The webserver will then spawn a bash-script that runs dataform.
Enable apis
gcloud services enable cloudbuild.googleapis.com \
run.googleapis.com \
secretmanager.googleapis.com \
sourcerepo.googleapis.com \
artifactregistry.googleapis.com \
Add service account and policy binding for dataform:
gcloud iam service-accounts create dataform-cr --display-name "Dataform BigQuery SA"
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_NAME --member=serviceAccount:dataform-cr@$(gcloud config get-value project).iam.gserviceaccount.com --role=roles/bigquery.admin
Create artifact repository to store docker images
gcloud artifacts repositories create dataform-cr-docker --repository-format=docker --location=europe-west1 --description="Repository for Cloud Run Dataform images"
Download credential from the service account, use dataform to create the credential file:
dataform init-creds bigquery
[1] US (default)
[2] EU
[3] other
Enter the location of your datasets [1, 2, 3]: 2
[1] ADC (default)
[2] JSON Key
Do you wish to use Application Default Credentials or JSON Key [1/2]: 2
Please follow the instructions at https://docs.dataform.co/dataform-cli#create-a-credentials-file/
to create and download a private key from the Google Cloud Console in JSON format.
(You can delete this file after credential initialization is complete.)
Enter the path to your Google Cloud private key file:
> /path/to/5a9138bc207f.json
Running connection test...
Warehouse test query completed successfully.
Credentials file successfully written:
To change connection settings, edit this file directly.
Upload this file to Secret Manager
gcloud secrets create dataform-sa-key
gcloud secrets versions add dataform-sa-key --data-file=.df-credentials.json
Go to Secret Manager in the console, permissions. Add the default compute service account as secretmanager.secretAccesor
In Cloud Source, make a trigger to run cloud build on push to git. In cloud build, Settings, allow Cloud Build to manage Cloud Run by clicking enable.
Call Cloud Run with
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-identity-token)" https://url-to-cloud-run