Journey is based on the work of @mattes on his tool "migrate":
- Super easy to implement Driver interface.
- Gracefully quit running migrations on
. - No magic search paths routines, no hard-coded config files.
- CLI is build on top of the
package. - Migration files templating
- PostgreSQL
- Cassandra
- SQLite
- MySQL (experimental)
- Bash (planned)
Need another driver? Just implement the Driver interface and open a PR.
# install
go get
# create new migration file in path
journey --url driver://url --path ./migrations migrate create migration_file_xyz
# apply all available migrations
journey --url driver://url --path ./migrations migrate up
# roll back all migrations
journey --url driver://url --path ./migrations migrate down
# roll back the most recently applied migration, then run it again.
journey --url driver://url --path ./migrations migrate redo
# run down and then up command
journey --url driver://url --path ./migrations migrate reset
# show the current migration version
journey --url driver://url --path ./migrations migrate version
# apply the next n migrations
journey --url driver://url --path ./migrations migrate migrate +1
journey --url driver://url --path ./migrations migrate migrate +2
journey --url driver://url --path ./migrations migrate migrate +n
# roll back the previous n migrations
journey --url driver://url --path ./migrations migrate migrate -1
journey --url driver://url --path ./migrations migrate migrate -2
journey --url driver://url --path ./migrations migrate migrate -n
# go to specific migration
journey --url driver://url --path ./migrations migrate goto 1
journey --url driver://url --path ./migrations migrate goto 10
journey --url driver://url --path ./migrations migrate goto v
Journey also provides a command to run scheduled jobs on databases:
journey --url driver://url --path ./cronjobs scheduler start
Journey supports dynamic migrations files, by using go templates.
If a file in the migrations folder has the extension .tpl
(it must match the driver file extensions, so .sql.tpl
for sql drivers), it will parsed and executed using journey current environment.
$ echo "create table {{.TABLE}} (id int64, name text);" >> files/20170707204006_template.up.sql.tpl
$ TABLE=a_table journey migrate
For more information about go templating, refer to the official doc:
This feature is particularly usefull to avoid leaving sensitive data in migrations, or to make adjustments based on current environment.