This is a simple serial assistant tool for serial port communication. It's developed using Qt6 opensource under LGPL-3.0 license. Checkout LICENSE for details about the LGPL-3.0 license.
- CMakeLists.txt: CMake configuration file
- This file
- README_ZH: Chinese version of README
- src: Source code directory
- include: Header file directory
- MainWindow.h: MainWindow header file , combining the UI and serial connection together.
- SerialConnection.h: SerialConnection header file
- SerialMonitor.h: SerialMonitor header file ,focus on parts that not related with the connection
- main.cpp: Main function
- MainWindow.cpp: Main window implementation.
- SerialConnection.cpp: Serial connection implementation.
- SerialMonitor.cpp: SerialMonitor implementation.
- include: Header file directory
You may checkout doc to read doc generated by Doxygen.
You need to have Qt6 installed on your machine. You can download it from Qt official website.
Simply modify the CMakeLists.txt file to point out your CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
Then you can build the project using QT Creator or Any other IDE that supports CMake.