This projects intents to provide a base web page for industrial or commercial businesses that intent to offer their products, services or just want to advertise their enterprise online.
instructions based from
$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install mysql-server# install client for python mySQLdb solving "OSError: mysql_config not found" $ sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev # to start a walk-through to set mysql type: $ sudo mysql_secure_installation # to start mysql $ sudo service mysql start # or $ /etc/init.d/mysql start
$ sudo mysql
mysql> SELECT user,authentication_string,plugin,host FROM mysql.user;
mysql> ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password';
mysql> SELECT user,authentication_string,plugin,host FROM mysql.user;
mysql> exit
$ mysql -u root -p
mysql> CREATE DATABASE productsDB;
mysql> CREATE USER 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'Somepass123.';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON productsDB.* TO 'user'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;
mysql> exit
After installing the basic programs (i.e. MySQL, python, git) on the server machine follow the remaining instructions to setup the project
cloning the repository
$ git clone
Installing requirements
$ pip install requirements.txt
create a
configuration file for sensitive data
To protect sensitive data a keys.json file is loaded on the settings and used to provide the necessary keys.
If it is not provided a generic file will be created and a generic SECRET_KEY
provided. The default file
has the form:
The default keys are:
: it must be a long key of 50 characters."DB_USER_{PLATFORM}"
: the user name for the database. Notice that the key is generated for an- specific OS. Thus it would be
on Windows, Linux and Mac OSs respectively.
: the password for the user name on the database. Notice that the key is generated for an- specific OS. Thus it would be
on Windows, Linux and Mac OSs respectively.
is used to generate possible translations on the rosetta plugin helping the translators- accomplish their tasks faster. You can get a key registering on for free (as of now).
A specific key for a platform takes precedence over a general key. Thus "DB_USER_{PLATFORM}"
if it exits. This is a implementation decision to port the web page but the same time differentiate
between local configurations in the OS. The "SECRET_KEY"
key and others don't use this behaviour as they
don't depend on the system configuration and the database data can be shared among OSs.
the keys files can be created or managed using the secret_keys
command. Type the following command to get help
$ python secret_keys --help
- Run migrations
Once the database is created it is necessary to create the tables reflecting the models used on the web page. Run
the following commands if the project's
file is configured with the database.
$ python makemigrations $ python migrate
- Create admin user
It is a good practice to create a superuser that will have control over all the web page and use it exclusively to create staff users which will have lower permissions to administer the web page. This superuser is usually the owner of the enterprise if there is just one or an user that represents all the enterprise and that will be kept secret to employees, only accessible to higher-ups.
$ python createsuperuser --username=admin [email protected]
(Optional) Create debug users
$ python populate_users --test
creates generic users: "superuser"
, "staff"
and "regular"
with the passwords
the same as their names and it should not be used for production. This can cause a breach so only
use for debugging or testing and delete after uses
- Additional resources and databases
Download the following resources, extract and place them on the working directory:
These files are used as pre-loaded databases to start using the web page.
- Populate locations
To use the countries, states and cities we need to populate the database with this information. The populate_locations
imports the locations from the world.sql
and creates a cache file according to your project to do this task
way faster than the first run.
$ python populate_locations
The first time running populate_locations
takes a long time as it has to fist sanitize and adapt world.sql
to your project. After this a local cached file is created with the same name (.json) so that subsequents runs
don't have to repeat these processes. Consider drinking a coffee if you are running without a cached file.
- Run a debug server
The quickest way to run the server is by executing the following command:
$ ptyhon runserver
A web browser can be opened with the address
to explore the page. The variable
can be modified to allow incoming connections from trusted domains or IP addresses.
Rosetta for translations
- To make messages to be translated in webpage you can run:
$ python makemessages -l <language code>
- or using -a flag to process all available locales configured in settings
$ python makemessages -a
If the error "Can't find msguniq. Make sure you have GNU gettext tools 0.15 or newer installed." appers then install gettext from the restart program, terminal or system to run again
after you finish translating the sentences in the "rosetta/" page you can run the compilation to start using translations on the webpage
$ python compilemessages