matrizer is an optimizing compiler for matrix expressions. Given approximate sizes of the matrices involved, it searches for mathematically equivalent expressions requiring fewer FLOPs to compute. The result is output as Python/numpy or MATLAB code. For example, the normal equations expression
(X'X)^-1 X'y
is transformed into Python code
scipy.linalg.cho_solve(scipy.linalg.cho_factor(, X)),, y)).
Beware: this is still highly unpolished alpha-level software. Many features are missing, and there is no guarantee that the expressions output are optimal or even correct. It's best to think of the results as a source of inspiration rather than something to be blindly trusted.
Matrizer is available through a web interface at This is the easiest way to get started. There's currently no documentation, but the examples provide a quick guide to what's possible (for more examples, see the tests/ subdirectory of the source tree).
The rest of this file describes building the local command-line version, and is mostly of interest to potential developers.
To build:
runhaskell Setup.hs configure
runhaskell Setup.hs build
If cabal complains about being unable to find a dependency that you know is installed, it might be in your user package db. Try running
runhaskell Setup.hs --user configure
instead. For other common issues with cabal, see
Try running an example:
dist/build/matrizer/matrizer tests/
This should output:
Preamble symbol table: fromList [("X",100x5 []),("y",100x1 [])]
Code parsed as:
w := (* (* (inv (* (transpose X) X)) (transpose X)) y)
Inferred symbol table: fromList [("X",100x5 []),("w",5x1 []),("y",100x1 [])]
Naive FLOPs required: 10563
Naive code generated:
w =, X)), X.T), y)
Optimized flops required: 6061
Optimized program:
w := (cholSolve (* (transpose X) X) (* (transpose X) y))
Optimized code generated:
w = scipy.linalg.cho_solve(scipy.linalg.cho_factor(, X)),, y))
There is currently no documentation, but the test cases provide a reasonable guide to what's possible. Currently we support basic matrix operations (addition, multiplication, inverse, transpose, negation, solving linear systems using LU or Cholesky decompositions), matrix properties (diagonal, symmetric, positive definite), and many of the obvious algebraic rewrite rules.
See the file TODO for features we hope to implement.
Test cases are stored in the tests/ folder, with the convention that each file containing a test case is accompanied by another file with the "_soln" suffix containing a 'gold-standard' optimized version.
The command
dist/build/matrizer/matrizer test
runs the optimizer on all test cases, comparing FLOP counts against the provided solutions.
To test for semantic correctness and/or real-world speed, the commands
dist/build/matrizer/matrizer genpython
python tests/
will generate Python source code for the naive and optimized versions of each test case, using random Gaussian matrices, and compare the results. Note that numeric instability may sometimes cause two semantically-equivalent programs to yield different results on real matrices. Often the optimized program is more stable than the original, since fewer operations means fewer chances for numerical blowup, but there are no guarantees.