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✅ This lib supports Scopes for both Active Record pattern (working with Entitiies), and Data Mapper pattern ( working with Repositories).

It's very easy to use this lib. You can define scopes and default scopes for entities.


yarn add typeorm-scoped
# or
npm install typeorm-scoped --save

Initialization (Global Setup for Project)

Before usage, you need to patch TypeORM before calling any database method.

import {patchSelectQueryBuilder} from 'typeorm-scoped';

patchSelectQueryBuilder(); // <-- call this function
const app = new Koa(); // or const app = express() ...

In NestJS you can call this function in main.ts, in bootstrap() function before creating app.

import {patchSelectQueryBuilder} from 'typeorm-scoped';


async function bootstrap() {
  patchSelectQueryBuilder(); // <-- call
  const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule, {...});

Default Scopes

you can define a default scope(scopes) for an entity adding the @DefaultScopes({ ... }) decorator before the @Entity().

import {Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column, BaseEntity} from "typeorm"
import {Scopes, DefaultScopes} from "typeorm-scoped"

  existed: (qb, alias) => qb.andWhere(`${alias}.deletedAt IS NULL`),
export class User extends BaseEntity {
  id: number;

  name: string;

  @Column({nullable: true})
  deletedAt?: Date;


DefaultScopes will work automatically and there shouldn't be any changes in your services or repositories. You can use the EntityManager or any Repository or CustomRepository and the default scopes will automatically be added to the resulting query. It will also work with queries created using the QueryBuilder. For example, the following snippet

User.find({where: {name: "John"}});

// or

userRepository.find({where: {name: "John"}});

// or with createQueryBuilder() ...

will produce an SQL query like

SELECT "User"."id" AS "User_id", "User"."name" AS "User_name" 
FROM "user" "User" 
WHERE "User"."name" = ? AND "User"."deletedAt" IS NULL
-- PARAMETERS: ["John"]

Custom Scopes

To define a scope(scopes) for an entity you need to add the @Scopes({ ... }) decorator before the @Entity().

import {Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column} from "typeorm";
import {Scopes, DefaultScopes} from "typeorm-scoped";
import {ScopeEntity} from "./scope.entity";

  females: (qb, alias) => qb.andWhere(`${alias}.gender = :g`, {g: "Female"}),
  adultUsers: (qb, alias, context) => qb.andWhere(`${alias}.age >= :adultAge`, {adultAge: context.adultAge || 18}),
// You can also use @Scopes(...) and @DefaultScopes(...) together !
export class User extends ScopeEntity {
  id: number;

  name: string;

  age: number;

  gender: string; // or GenderEnum -> "Male", "Female", ...

  @Column({nullable: true})
  deletedAt?: Date;

Active Record Pattern

If you use Active Record pattern, you need to extend from ScopeEntity:

export class User extends ScopeEntity { // <-- our ScopeEntity already extends from BaseEntity

Data Mapper (Repository) Pattern

If you use Data Mapper(Repository) pattern, then for custom scopes you should use Custom Repositories, which should be extends from ScopeRepository:

Typeorm version 2.x

export class UserRepository extends ScopeRepository<User> { // <-- our ScopeRepository already extends from Repository<Entity>

Typeorm version 3.x

// @Injectable()  // <-- If you use NestJS
export class UserRepository extends ScopeRepository<User> {
  constructor(private dataSource: DataSource) {
    super(User, dataSource.createEntityManager());

For NestJS

Important!    In NestJS you will add @Injectable() on your custom repository UserRepository (for version 3.x). And then add it in your UserModule (if typeorm v2.x -> add into TypeOrmModule.forFeature function, if typeorm v3.x, add into providers). After that use it in services:

  private readonly userRepository: UserRepository,


You will use custom scopes like this:

userRepository.scoped("females").scoped("adultUsers", {adultAge: 20}).find({where: {name: "John"}});

// or

User.scoped("females").scoped("adultUsers", {adultAge: 20}).find({where: {name: "John"}});

// or with createQueryBuilder() ...

will produce an SQL query like

SELECT "User"."id" AS "User_id", "User"."name" AS "User_name", "User"."age" AS "User_age", "User"."gender" AS "User_gender" 
FROM "user" "User" 
WHERE "User"."gender" = ? AND "User"."age" >= ? AND "User"."name" = ?
-- PARAMETERS: ["Female", 20, "John"]

Disabling Default Scopes

You are able to disable default scopes by calling a method unscoped.

// if you dont send parametrs to unscoped method, it unscoped all default scopes  !!!
userRepository.unscoped().find({where: {name: "John"}});

// or unscope only specific default scopes
userRepository.unscoped("existed").find({where: {name: "John"}});

// or

User.unscoped().find({where: {name: "John"}});

// or with createQueryBuilder() ...

You can also continue with scoped() method, like this:

userRepository.unscoped("existed").scoped("females").find({where: {name: "John"}});


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