This repository is a collection of common algorithms that are taught in first year algorithms classes at ETH Zurich:
- the Algorithms and Datastructures class
- the Algorithms and Probability class
- Parallel Programming
All algorithms are implemented in Java and most of them are NOT thread safe.
These algorithms were implemented with the goal to experiment with them and many of them were implemented from scratch from my memory (implementing what I could still remember from class). This repo is by no means complete / tested / safe to use. Seriously: Using this code is really dangerous. However, if you want to take a glimpse feel free to use my code as long as it complies with the MIT license.
You can find more datastructures below under the Graphs section
- AVL Tree
- LinkedList
- Queue
- Stack
- DecreaseKey Min Heap (like a priority queue but objects in the heap that change attributes can be reordered in log(n) time.)
- SkipList
Deterministic Dynamic Programming
- Knapsack
- Fleamarket Problem (Multi-constrained knapsack)
- CoinChange
- StockOptimum
- Paragraph Formatting / Optimal Line Break
- Mars rover optimal path (path of max value)
- Hiking Problem (Subset Sum splitting items evenly into two bags with solution reconstruction)
- Minimal Editing Distance (DNA mutation)
- Longest Common Subsequence
- Minimal Coin Change (minimal number of coins adding to a certain value) including solution reconstruction.
- Number of Different Ways to Change Coins
- Maximizing Arithmetic Expression (with + and *)
- Longest Substring of balanced Parentheses and Brackets.
- Maximum Sum increasing subsequence
- Is string an interleafing of two other strings
- EggDropping : Given a number of Eggs and Floors returns minimal number of tries to find out at which level eggs start breaking.
Probabilistic Dynamic Programming
- Winter Season
- Parking Problem
Graph Datastructures
- Graph interface
- Adjacency list based graph class
- Matrix based graph class
- Weighted matrix graph class
- Union Find (using arrays)
- Union Find with path compression
- Weighted Union Find
Simple Algorithms
- Simple Depth first search
- Breadth first search
- Topological ordering of directed acyclic graph
- Directed Graph contains cycle ?
- Undirected graph contains cycle ?
Shortest Paths
- Bellman Ford
- Floyd-Warshall
- Dijkstra
- Highly optimized Dijkstra
- BFS Shortest Path
Minimal Spanning Trees
- Kruskal
- Prim
Advanced Algorithms
- Find euler tour
- Find cut vertices and bridges
- Min Cut (Karger's Algorithm)
- Greedy maximal matching (on bipartite and non bipartite graphs)
Flow Algorithms
- Ford Fulkerson
- Selection Sort
- HeapSort
- Bubble Sort
- Sequential Merge Sort
- IsSorted, a small program checking whether a given array is sorted.
- Quicksort
- Quicksort with random pivot
- Recursive Mergesort
- Natural 2-way Mergesort
- Insertion Sort with linear search
- Insertion Sort with binary insertion
- Linear Search
- Binary Search
- Exponential Search
- Interpolation Search
- Quickselect with random pivot
- Random Coins (calculate expected value and variance)
- Random Triangles (probabilistic graph theory)
- Smallest enclosing circle
- Miller-Rabin primality test
- Target Shooting
- PI approximation
- Monte Carlo Integration
They include a nice JavaFX GUI
Convex Hull
- Jarvis Wrap
- Graham's Algorithm (Andrew's variant)
Smallest enclosing circle
- Clarksons Algorithm
Parallel Algorithms
- Parallel Prefix Sum
- Packing
- Largest Triple (Fork-Join)
- Producer Consumer using Conditions (very primitive)
- Peterson Lock
- Filter Lock
- Bakery Lock
- TAS lock (test-and-set)
- TTAS lock (test-and-test-and-set)
- TTAS based backoff lock (TTAS with backoff in case of failure)
- Simple test cases for the locks
Advanced Parallel Synchonization Mechanisms
- Semaphore (using monitors)
- MonitorBarrier (barrier using monitors)
- SemaphoreBarrier (barrier using semaphores)
Parallel Datastructures
- Lock free stack (optimistic locking with CAS)
- Locked stack (with synchronized)
- Lock free queue (optimistic locking with CAS)
- Locked queue (with Lock and Conditions)
All the code in this repository is licensed under the permissive MIT license.