Clone the Docker/Laravel template.
cd ~Code
git clone project
I'll refer to the project directory as the root directory now.
Save .env.local to .env in the root directory.
cd ~/Code/project
cp .env.local .env
Change the name of the database
If you are using the SSL version, install the keys. You can find the commands in the docker/ssl/ file.
This command creates the devcert.key file.
sudo openssl genrsa -out "devcert.key" 2048
When running the next command, be sure to enter localhost (or anything actually) for the "Common Name (eg, fully qualified host name)" option, or you'll get an error. That's the only required option.
sudo openssl req -new -key "devcert.key" -out "devcert.csr"
The next command creates the devcert.crt file.
sudo openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in "devcert.csr" -signkey "devcert.key" -out "devcert.crt"
Start up the docker container in the root directory.
docker compose up -d --build
Set up Laravel.
Save the laravel/.env.example to .env
cd ~/Code/project/laravel
cp .env.example .env
Update the database variables.
Go into the phpapp container and install Laravel composer packages.
cd ~/Code/project
docker compose exec phpapp bash
composer install
php artisan key:generate