Shell script to control your window via wmctrl
and xbindkeys
Basically, some functionality I was missing when moving over from Mac
OS over to Ubuntu this past week offered by Spectacle
sudo apt-get install wmctrl xbindkeys
git clone [email protected]:davidjairala/control.git
You can use the following options to resize the active window:
- quarter top leftqtr
- quarter top rightqbl
- quarter bottom leftqbr
- quarter bottom righmt
- mid topmb
- mid bottomml
- mid leftmr
- mid rightf
- full
./control qtl
./control ml
./control f
The real usefulness of the script comes when combined with xbindkeys
tho, explained below.
Whenever you edit your ~/.xbindkeysrc
make sure you restart
xbindkeysrc itself.
My config looks something like:
# End of xbindkeys configuration #
# wmctrl #
"/home/davidjairala/projects/wmctrl/control qtl"
control + alt + Left
"/home/davidjairala/projects/wmctrl/control qtr"
control + alt + Right
"/home/davidjairala/projects/wmctrl/control qbl"
control + shift + alt + Left
"/home/davidjairala/projects/wmctrl/control qbr"
control + shift + alt + Right
"/home/davidjairala/projects/wmctrl/control f"
control + alt + Mod4 + f
"/home/davidjairala/projects/wmctrl/control mt"
control + alt + Mod4 + Up
"/home/davidjairala/projects/wmctrl/control mb"
control + alt + Mod4 + Down
"/home/davidjairala/projects/wmctrl/control ml"
control + alt + Mod4 + Left
"/home/davidjairala/projects/wmctrl/control mr"
control + alt + Mod4 + Right
Next time you log in, you'll be able to control your active window's position via the keyboard thanks to wmctrl and xbindkeys!