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Project RNN Enhancement

Additional RNN and Sequence to Sequence Features for TensorFlow

TensorFlow is great, but there are some RNN and Seq2Seq features that could be added. The goal is to add them as research in this field unfolds.

This python package is meant to work in conjunction with TensorFlow. Simply clone this and import as:

sys.path.insert(0, os.environ['HOME']) #add the dir that you cloned to
from Project_RNN_Enhancement.rnn_enhancement import seq2seq_enhanced, rnn_cell_enhanced, decoding_enhanced

##RNN Features

##Seq2Seq Features

####Currently Working On:

  • Unitary RNN --Arjovsky's paper
  • Diversity-Promoting Objective -- Li's paper
  • L2 Regularization on Seq2Seq model
  • Interconnections between RNN Layers

####Features To Come If There's Time:

  • Async Loading Data during training
  • Grid LSTM Decoder -- Kalchbrenner's Paper
  • Decorrelating Representations -- Cogswell's Paper
  • Curriculum Learning
  • Removing Biases From GRU and LSTM (some reports that it improves performance)
  • Relaxation Parameter from Neural GPU Kaiser's Paper

You will find many comments and prints in the code. Just like you guys, I'm still very much learning and it helps me to comment and visually see as much as possible.

Lastly, I'm still have much to learn, so I apologize for mistakes in advance. I welcome pull requests and any help.

##Using Project RNN Enhancement

Import All RNN Materials from Project_RNN_Enhancement Only!

If you are using Project_RNN_Enhancement, please do not import:


from the regular tensorflow. Instead import:


from Project_RNN_Enhancement. Otherwise class inheritance will be thrown off, and you will get an isinstance error!

You can also try to install seq2seq_upgrade as a python package

sudo pip install git+ssh://

or a bit longer version in case the previous one didn't work

git clone [email protected]:LeavesBreathe/Project_RNN_Enhancement.git
cd Project_RNN_Enhancement
sudo python build & sudo python install

After that you hopefully be able to simply write import Project_RNN_Enhancement

Some Features are being tested while others are tested and functional. They are labelled:

Status Meaning
Feature Working Tested and Should Work as Documented
Under Testing May Not Work or Produce Undesired Result

##Different RNN Layers on Multiple GPU's ####Feature Working

To call in GRU for gpu 0, simply call in the class

rnn_cell_enhanced.GRUCell(size, gpu_number = 0)

from Project_RNN_Enhancement.rnn_enhancement import rnn_cell_enhanced

#assuming you're using two gpu's
first_layer = rnn_cell_enhanced.GRUCell(size, gpu_for_layer = 0)
second_layer = rnn_cell_enhanced.GRUCell(size, gpu_for_layer = 1)
cell = rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell(([first_layer]*(num_layers/2)) + ([second_layer]*(num_layers/2)))

#notice that we put consecutive layers on the same gpu. Also notice that you need to use an even number of layers.

You can apply dropout on a specific GPU as well:

from Project_RNN_Enhancement.rnn_enhancement import rnn_cell_enhanced

first_layer = rnn_cell_enhanced.GRUCell(size, gpu_for_layer = 1)
dropout_first_layer = rnn_cell_enhanced.DropoutWrapper(first_layer, output_keep_prob = 0.80, gpu_for_layer = 1)

##Custom Vertical Connections Between Stacked RNNs ####Under Testing

Currently Tensorflow Provides the ability to stack RNN's as shown below:

Current RNN Stack picture from

You can see that the only one connection between layers one and layers three: layer two.

However, wouldn't be advantageous to somehow connect layer one to three? Or for that matter, layer one to four, or what about layer two to layer four?

Updated RNN Stack

These are vertical connections, and they can give a more hierarchical, interconnected setup. There are three ways to connect RNN Units:

  • Pass the Output to the next neuron
  • Pass the Input to the next neuron
  • Pass the Hidden State to the next neuron

With this feature, you can pass Hidden States and Inputs from one layer to one above it. Note how you can only do inputs because the inputs of layer 2 is the outputs of layer 1. So there is no need to do inputs and outputs.

To have the RNN actually recieve the additional inputs demands some extra customization on the RNN. Currently the GRU and Vanilla RNN have been modified to use these additional inputs. However, it costs extra memory and computation power!

To use Vertical Connections:

from Project_RNN_Enhancement.rnn_enhancement import rnn_cell_enhanced as rce

layer1 = rce.GRUCell_Interconnect(....)

layer2 = rce.GRUCell_Interconnect(....)

cell = rce.MultiRNNCell_Interconnect([layer1, layer2], vertically_pass_hidden_states = True, layer_skip_number = 0 )

#or you can do

cell = rce.MultiRNNCell_Interconnect([layer1, layer2], vertically_pass_hidden_states = True, 
		vertically_pass_inputs = True, layer_skip_number = 2)


  • vertically_pass_hidden_states = True/False
  • vertically_pass_inputs = True/False
  • layer_skip_number: This int must be between 0 and (total_num_layers -1)

If you set layer_skip_number = 1, then layer 1 will be connected to layer 3, layer 2 to layer 4, layer 3 to layer 5, and so on!

Here is an example of a 6 layer stacked RNN with `layer_skip_number = 1'

Updated RNN Stacked

##Norm Regularize Hidden States And Outputs ####Feature Working

Krueger's paper

Adds an additional cost to regularize hidden state activations and/or output activations (logits).

By default this feature is set to off.

To use:

from Project_RNN_Enhancement.rnn_enhancement import seq2seq_enhanced
#to regularize both
seq2seq_enhanced.model_with_buckets(...norm_regularize_hidden_states = True, 
										norm_regularize_logits = True, norm_regularize_factor = 50)
#to regularize just the hidden states
seq2seq_enhanced.model_with_buckets(...norm_regularize_hidden_states = True, 
										norm_regularize_logits = False, norm_regularize_factor = 50)

norm_regularizer_factor: The factor required to apply norm stabilization. Keep in mind that a larger factor will allow you to achieve a lower loss, but it will take many more epochs to do so!

Also keep in mind that the paper reports worse findings when combining this with dropout. So you may want to remove dropout from your neural net if you choose to use norm_regularizer!

This additional cost function should not take extra memory. It may slightly raise computation time.

Note: Your overall cost/loss will go up if you use this. However, your norm_regularizer neural net may score better than your non norm_regularizer network. Make sure you don't just compare validation loss to other objective functions. Score your neural net's performance on an independent benchmark (such as BLEU)!

##GRU Mutants ####Feature Working

Jozefowicz's paper

These mutants do better in some seq2seq tasks. Memory wise, they approximately the same as GRU.

To use this simply:

from Project_RNN_Enhancement.rnn_enhancement import rnn_cell_enhanced

first_layer = rnn_cell_enhanced.JZS1Cell(size)

Mutants are called in by:

  1. rnn_cell_enhanced.JZS1Cell(size, gpu_for_layer = 0)
  2. rnn_cell_enhanced.JZS2Cell(size, gpu for layer = 1)
  3. rnn_cell_enhanced.JZS3Cell(size, gpu_for_layer = 2)

*Gpu arguments are not necessary.

##Identity RNN ####Under Testing

Allows you to run an IRNN (on specified gpu of your choice). To call in:

from Project_RNN_Enhancement.rnn_enhancement import rnn_cell_enhanced

first_layer = rnn_cell_enhanced.IdentityRNNCell(size, gpu_for_layer = 0)

##Skip Connections In Between RNN Cells ####Under Testing

Allows you to add skip-connections in between your unrolled RNN cells. These can be powerful because past inputs can be applied to RNN cells many timesteps ahead.

To use:

from Project_RNN_Enhancement.rnn_enhancement import rnn_cell_enhanced

first_layer = rnn_cell_enhanced.GRUCell(size, gpu_for_layer = 0, skip_connections = True, skip_neuron_number = 4)

where skip_neuron_number will be the number of neurons will recieve past input.


A skip_neuron_number of 4 means:

t1 input is inputted into neuron_t1, neuron_t2, neuron_t3, neuron_t4


t4 input is inputted into neuron_t4, neuron_t5, neuron_t6, neuron_t7

Note that neurons_t2, neuron_t3, and neuron_t4 will recieve their regular inputs as well.

Warning: Skip connections will add to training time and require more memory. Though it should not be a significant amount.

Note: Because this is under testing, It only will work (if it does work) for the GRUCell. There are many, many types of skip connections to do, so I'll be experimenting with them. This section will probably be updated

##Averaging Hidden States ####Under Testing

Allows you to set ratio of last hidden state to mean hidden state

Simply call in:

from Project_RNN_Enhancement.rnn_enhancement import seq2seq_enhanced as sse

seq2seq_model = sse.embedding_attention_seq2seq(....,average_states = True, average_hidden_state_influence = 0.5)

Note that average_hidden_state_influence should be any real number between 0 and 1. The higher the number, the higher the percentage that the inputted hidden state will be influenced by the average hidden state.

For example, an average_hidden_state_influence = .75 means 75% of the hidden state will be the average hidden state and the remainder 25% of the hidden state will be the last hidden state. This allows you to choose how much you want the inputted hidden state to be affected by the previous timestep.

##Temperature Sampling During Decoding ####Under Testing

Allows you to use a temperature to alter the output of your softmax.

Higher temperature will result in more diversity in output, but more errors. Do not use this during training! Use this only while decoding after a model has been trained.

This affects the internal decoding process. Your decoder will produce a distribution. It will then "roll a dice" and depending on what words are most probable, it will select one of them. The selected word will then be put into your decoder for the next timestep. Then the decoder will roll the dice again, and repeat the process.

Go Symbol --> Decoder Timestep 1 --> Dice Roll on Distribution --> One Word Selected --> Decoder Timestep 2

To use:

from Project_RNN_Enhancement.rnn_enhancement import seq2seq_enhanced as sse

seq2seq_model = sse.embedding_attention_seq2seq(....,temperature_decode = True, temperature = 1.0)

Note: Right now, you have to recompile the model each time you want to test a different temperature. If there's time, I will investigate the ability to implement multiple temperatures without re-compiling.

##Orthogonal and Uniform Initialization of Weights ####Feature Working

Allows one to initialize your weights for each layer. To use:

from Project_RNN_Enhancement.rnn_enhancement import rnn_cell_enhanced

#assuming you're using two gpu's
first_layer = rnn_cell_enhanced.GRUCell(size, gpu_for_layer = 0, 
			weight_initializer = "orthogonal", orthogonal_scale_factor = 1.1)
second_layer = rnn_cell_enhanced.JZS1Cell(size, gpu_for_layer = 1, weight_initalizer = "uniform_unit")

cell = rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell(([first_layer]*(num_layers/2)) + ([second_layer]*(num_layers/2)))

Optional Arguments for Initializing weights weight_initializer:

  • "uniform_unit": Will uniformly initialize weights accordingly here. Use this one if your just beginning.

  • "orthogonal": Will randomly initialize weights orthogonally

    For orthogonal, you can optionally enter a second argument called "orthogonal_scale_factor" if you would like to adjust how much each initial weight is multipled by. You don't want a scale factor too large, otherwise it will saturate your hidden states! You also don't want a scale factor too small, as your weights won't affect your hidden states as much as they should.

    If you're just beginning, leave this option as default.


Additional Sequence to Sequence Features for TensorFlow







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