This project is a simple Todo PWA (Progressive Web App) based on the Vuex TodoMVC example.
Perfect to learn the basics about Vue 3, Vuex and Bootstrap 5 technologies.
Name | Description | |
Vue 3 | Progressive JavaScript Framework | 🖖 |
Vuex 4 | ️Centralized State Management for Vue.js | 🗃️ |
Vue Router 4 | Official Router for Vue.js | 🚦 |
Vue CLI 4 | ️Standard Tooling for Vue.js Development | 🛠️ |
Bootstrap 5 | The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework | 📚 |
This project includes components with their alternate version made with the composition API.
For more information on how to use Composition API, visit the official documentation
To toggle between classic or composition components you only have to comment or uncomment, or just edit the name component:
<!-- router/index.js -->
import Home from "../views/Home.vue"; // classic
// import Home from "../views/Home.composition.vue"; // made with composition api
git clone
cd vue-todo-pwa
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint
MIT © davidgaroro