First of all use the make command to compile the files.
$ make
Afterwards, run the following command to launch the program your graph using a certain number of threads.
$ ./pr <path to graph> <number of threads>
For example, run the following command to launch the program on the toy graph using 16 threads.
$ ./pr /tools/binary_simple.graph 16
If you want to change the chunk size or the scheduling policy you will have to do it by modifiend the following line in the page_rank.cpp
file. Replace dynamic
with another policy and 16 with your chunk
$ #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+: broadcastScore) schedule(dynamic, 16)
Sometimes you may want to make their own graphs for debugging. You can write down a graph definition in a text file and use the graphTools app to convert it to a binary file. See the command help for:
$ ./tools/graphTools text2bin <graphtextfilename> <graphbinfilename>