Experiments with the cdevents spec to use an other format for specification of the events. And to generate documentation and SDK's models from the spec.
To have a relevent example, the experiment provide the 3 events ({subject}.{predicate}
) (2 on the same subject):
(to have 2 on the same subject)taskrun.started
- (optional)
(to have 2 on the same predicate)
- cdevents spec
- Friendly schema/spec for code generator (breaking change) · cdevents/spec · Discussion #240
- Modeling language considerations for SDKs · Issue #5 · cdevents/implementation-wg
- specification store on several files
- code generation:
- polymorphism for subject/predicate
- typed scalars (aka "string" with format)
- date-time
- non-empty string
- purl
- uri-reference
- test, validation (runtime)
- description => api documentation
- example(s) => api documentation
- example(s) => tests (unit test or doctest)
- doc: markdown
- description
- example(s)
- possible customization of templates/generation
- generate only models
- generation of cli/server for conformance/contract test ?
- every spec ends with a
- root as
- one file per type
- use oneOf for polymorphism (but no discriminator as not supported by json schema)
- use
for constant values (likeenum
with a single value) - try to use:
- https://quicktype.io/
- doesn't support json schema 2020-12 (try to switch to draft 07 & 06)
- schematools
- see also the OpenAPI section
- TODO try with "discriminator" (no in the spec, but could be managed by the tool)
- https://quicktype.io/
- use Taskfile to run actions (validate, codegen, docgen,...)
- try to OpenAPI 3.1 (support in alpha/beta by most of the tools)
- In 3.0,
- models are extended on json schema draft-07
- In 3.1,
- models are extended on json schema 2020-12
- allow siblings info to $ref (like override of description)
- allow const? (part of json schema 2020-12)
- In 3.0,
- use yaml format (less verbose than json, simpler for multi-line strings)
- create a root
file withoutpath
, we focus on thecomponents
part (the models) - use of discriminator for subject/predicate
- 2 approaches for the models:
try to match v0.4.0 of spec (see comments in cdevent.yaml.disable)v6
more freedom on the model (see comments in cdevent.yaml)
- OpenAPI ecosystem provide lot of codegenerator (see OpenAPI.Tools - an Open Source list of great tools for OpenAPI.), we will focus on few that allow to use our own templates (and maybe extensions)
- openapi-generator
- java based
- lot of templates, lot of contributors over time,
- documentations, examples & some articles (like OpenAPI Custom Generator | Baeldung)
- options to use templates but the template engine is logicless (logic => create a generator in java :-( )
- internal datamodel used by templates depend on the generator and should prepare/expose logic (isXxx)
- currently the one, I spent the most time on
swagger-codegen- openapi-generator is based on swagger-codegen, fork mainly due to ownership company vs community
- schematools
- from rust ecosystem (not listed on OpenAPI.Tools)
- I like the approach (vs openapi-generator)
- early/ young project
- more powerful template engine (tera, based on jinja2, with more buitin functions than mustache or handlebars)
- buggy (not able to validate my spec but able to process it)
- I don't know how to use generate multiple files in some cases (eg. 1 file per type)
- The internal model used by template doesn't expose all the information (title, ...)
- Dereference looks a good idea but not to generate models, because it's not just an include and we lost title and additional info injected by our layout
- Generator | AsyncAPI Initiative for event-driven APIs
- javascript
- template packaged as npm package
- generate a full "client" (for messaging system)
- Modelina | AsyncAPI Initiative for event-driven APIs
- javascript
- templating ?
- comparaison: OpenAPI Generator vs Swagger Codegen v3: Which API Generator Is Best for Your Needs? - Engineer From Nepal, FAQ: General | OpenAPI Generator
- openapi-generator
AsyncAPI is a specification for building asynchronous APIs.
- Difficult to debug generator (generic error message with no context eg:
X is not defined
Smithy is designed to create API for Resources oriented API (ala REST): resources definition and associated operations / lifecycles.
- smithy is used by AWS to generate AWS SDKs
- 2.0 is young and a lot of plugins(code generator) are "work in progress" (see smithy-lang/awesome-smithy: Awesome Smithy is a curated list of awesome build-tools, code-generators, examples, and other resources related to the Smithy IDL.)
- repositories (plugins, ...) with a lot of contributors & activity (see https://github.com/smithy-lang)
- plugins are coded in kotlin, java
- some plugins are "intimidating" (layout, number of files, "complexity", etc.)
- some plugins are not yet published on maven central (see https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/software/amazon/smithy/) but already documented to be published (e.g. go, python, rust), in fact they are used locally to generate the AWS SDKs
- useful traits (annotations) and way to define models
- I didn't find how to only generate payload (data model) without all the service, operations, ... (except by extracting/copying the model from the generated code)
- No "clear" control on the json representation of the model as it depends on the plugin & protocol
A breaking change with current spec, messages, SDK and existing ecosystem (could be a problem)
- no ready to use generator (yet) with zero configuration for markdown, java, python, rust, go,...
- generated code is only a part of the SDK or spec'documentation
- generating samples from the spec will require a dedicated tool and template (like Schemathesis or Specmatic) based on examples or random data (like in property-based testing) based on one 1 SDK
- having a single entrypoint in spec (json schema maybe extractred from the spec) will make validation of examples, or message simpler for non-SDK users
- generator MUST support templates, extensions, and scalar (string) specialisation:
- predifined templates are minimal (enough to do the job)
- to keep the quality of current SDK
- to keep compatibility with existing "primitive" type (eg. no "string" for id, uri, etc.)
- to allow annotation of generated structures
- support of multiple spec versions could become a problem (if SDK want it)
- TODO? custom (homemade) generator with minimal logic in the "generator" and more logic in the "template" (ala schematools)
- TODO? invest more time (contribution?) in some of the tools (openapi-generator, schematools, codegen, modelina)
- TODO? change the spec to be more like in programming languages
- TODO? review all events => normalize, remove duplication, add missing fields, etc.
- TODO? complementary linter to validate rules over the spec (naming convention, use of $ref, etc.): pkl, cuelang, opa... ?
- should SDK includes integration with CloudEvents, http frameworks, etc.?
- Use mise (mise-en-place) to setup tools (java, task, ...)
- Use Taskfile to run actions (validate, codegen, docgen,...), installed by mise
❯ mise install
❯ cd openapi
❯ task --list
task: Available tasks for this project:
* codegen: Generate code from the spec (all languages)
* openapi-generator-cli: allow to call openapi-generator-cli directly by passing arguments after `--` (eg. `task openapi-generator-cli -- help`)
* schematools-cli: allow to call schematools directly by passing arguments after `--` (eg. `task schematools-cli -- --help`)
* validate: Validate the spec
* codegen:go: Generate code from the spec (go)
* codegen:java: Generate code from the spec (java)
* codegen:markdown: Generate code from the spec (markdown) <-- documentation
* codegen:python: Generate code from the spec (python)
* codegen:rust: Generate code from the spec (rust)