An open source remake/remaster initially of the classic CRPG Wizardry, Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord, then hopefully of the Sequels II (The Diamond Knight), III (Legacy of Llylgamyn), and V (Heart of the Maelstrom). Currently under heavy development with a release hopefully later in 2025.
Written using SFML, TGUI, and C++.
(Updated 28th November 2024)
Load/Save/New Game(DONE)Town/Castle Menus(DONE)Character Creation(DONE)Character Editing(DONE)Party/Expedition Management(DONE)Maze Generation and Navigation(DONE)Dungeon Features(DONE)Automapping(DONE)Keyboard/Mouse/Gamepad Control(DONE)Context-Sensitive-Help(DONE)Gilgamesh's Tavern(DONE)Adventurer's Inn(DONE)Levelling up/Changing Class(DONE)Temple(DONE)Wipe Handling(DONE)Dungeon Events(DONE)Compendium(DONE)Inventory and Item Manipulation (DONE)- Special Item Powers and Handling (DOING)
- Boltac's Equipment Shop (DOING)
- Creatures and NPCs (TO DO)
- Magic and Combat (TO DO)
- Victory Handling (TO DO)
- Strict (Legacy) Mode (TO DO)
- Achivements (TO DO)
- Optional Textured/Rendered 3D View (TO DO)
- Sequels (II, III, V)
- Procedurally-Generated Infinite Content (like Diablo)
- Modding
- Plugin/3D Graphics
Currently adding Item Usage/Invocation, as well as buying, selling, uncursing, and identifying at Boltac's. Normal inventory management has been mosty completed!
Initially I am planning to remake Wizardry 1, then adding 2 and 3, and then subsequently providing infinite procedurally-generated content like that of Diablo for example. In the meantime, check out Snarfu's bugfix and recompilation of the original Wizardry for Apple II at
I'm currently developing solely on Linux (Ubuntu 22) so compilation instructions are currently Linux-specific. Windows instructions and releases will of course be supported at a later date.
Full compliation instructions for Linux are in the doc/COMPILE text file, but in brief both CMake (via VSCode CMake Tools) and Code::Blocks are supported once the various support libraries are installed. C++20 compiler support is required (I'm currently using GCC 11.3).
All code is released under the GPL - see the doc/LICENSE text file for full details.
All comments and criticism and help welcome. You can find me as Typhon on the C++ Help, SFML, and Discord Servers, or my email address is on the Splash Screen of the Game.
Graphics used (all free/open source) are by:
- とり夫 -
- Nicolae Berbece -
- Justin Nichol -
- Various -
Game font is based upon the DOS Wizardry V font.
Watch some (older) gameplay:
See other gameplay videos at