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US EPA PX LSM updates (wrf-model#733)
TYPE: Enhancement (P-X LSM Option 7) KEYWORDS: PX LSM, MODIS, VEGFRA, LAI, Soil SOURCE: Jon Pleim, Limei Ran and Robert Gilliam, US EPA DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: Added vegetation and leaf-area index option for Pleim-Xiu land-surface runs. Until this version, the PX LSM uses VEGFRA and LAI computed from the module_sf_pxlsm_data.F PX data table. This uses fractional landuse and these lookup values to compute the LAI and VEGFRA for each grid cell. The new option (pxlsm_modis_veg = 1) is activated using this option in the physics section of the namelist.input file. It uses the time-varying VEGFRA and LAI from the wrflowinp_d01 file instead of the look-up values in the PX data table. This allows use of more accurate high resolution MODIS that is now available in WPS in WRFv4+. Alternatively, users can process their own MODIS data for specific years and put in this same input file. Also, the soil calculation in the PX LSM were modified to use analytical functions from Noilhan and Mahfouf (1996) for field capacity, saturation and wilting point based on fractional soil data. Also, variables for fractional clay, fine and coarse sand were added in PX for output to the CMAQ air quality model. This is an important update because these data are used for dust emissions in the air quality model along with the new soil properties (wilting, saturation and field capacity). SOILTYP was also updated in PX LSM so soil classes are consistent with the standard 16 soil types in the WRF system. Prior, PX only had 12 classes and classes 4-12 were not the same as those classes used by other LSMs. LIST OF MODIFIED FILES dyn_em/module_first_rk_step_part1.F phys/module_sf_pxlsm.F phys/module_surface_driver.F run/README.namelist Registry/Registry.EM_COMMON RELEASE NOTE: The new option (pxlsm_modis_veg = 1) was added in the physics section of the namelist file. When activated, this option uses the time-varying VEGFRA and LAI from the wrflowinp_d01 file instead of the look-up values in the PX data table. Users are encouraged to use this option if they are using WPS4+ that has the higher resolution MODIS greenfrac dataset. Also, the soil calculation in the PX LSM were modified to use analytical functions from Noilhan and Mahfouf (1996) for field capacity, saturation and wilting point based on fractional soil data. Soil categories were updated in PX to 16 class consistant with the WRF system and other LSMs. TEST CONDUCTED: A supplemental document details the tests we done for this change. In brief, we ran an April-July simulations using updates dropped in WRFv4.0. Test shows the soil change had the most impact followed by the MODIS vegetation option. In both cases, the model's lower level temperature and moisture were improved. Much more detailed simulations were done using WRFv3.9.1 and published in several manuscripts. Ran, L., R. Gilliam, F. S. Binkowski, A. Xiu, J. Pleim, and L. Band, 2015. Sensitivity of the WRF/CMAQ modeling system to MODIS LAI, FPAR, and albedo, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120(16), 8491-8511, Ran, L., J. Pleim, R. Gilliam, F. S. Binkowski, C. Hogrefe, and L. Band, 2016. Improved meteorology from an updated WRF/CMAQ modeling system with MODIS vegetation and albedo, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, 2393–2415, Ran, L., R. Gilliam, D. Wong, H. Foroutan, J. Pleim, G. Pouliot, W. Appel, D. Kang, S. Roselle, B. Eder, E. Cooter (2017), Advanced Land Surface Processes in the Coupled WRF/CMAQ with MODIS Input, 16th Annual Community Modeling and Analysis (CMAS) Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, October 23-25 (Oral,
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