This project includes the source code for a django/python based biomedical research laboratory website. This was largely configured for personal use, but is licensed under a CC0 free license, so feel free to copy and modify with no restrictions.
- Clone or download this code and extract it somewhere on your system.
- Inside the lab_website directory, open with a text editor and fill in 'django.db.backends.sqlite3' under DATABASES... ENGINE and enter a location for your SQLite database to be stored under NAME. To use other database types see the Django Documentation on Databases.
- Optional: Fill in the the ADMINS, TIME_ZONE and LANGUAGE_CODE as needed.
4. Save this file as in the same directory. 4. Run the following command within the Lab Website directory to populate the database. Enter the superuser information when prompted:
python syncdb python schemamigration communication --initial python schemamigration papers --initial python schemamigration personnel --initial python schemamigration projects --initial python migrate --fake
Run the test suite with:
python test
In, set Debug=FALSE when you have verified everything is working.
The two main software dependencies for this project are Python and Django. You will require a database backend and a webserver for proper function. For detailed installation instructions for Django see Django Installation Instructions
The current version uses Python 2.7 and Django 1.4.
To install python dependencies, entering on a command line:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Another python package dependency is the python-oauth2 library. This can be downloaded and installed from
This project also includes links to three other apps which would have to be installed and configured separately:
- Blog: any blogging software served at http://yourserver/blog
- Protocol Wiki: a wikimedia based protocol site served at http://yourserver/wiki
- MouseDB: a database for animal colony management which can optionally be served at http://yoursever/mousedb. Based on software available at
- ExperimentDB: a data and laboratory inventory management tool which can optionally be served at http://yourserver/experimentdb. Uses software available at