A small compiled programming language written from scratch (0 libraries used)
- Where does it run? x64 Windows only.
- Where is the standard library? No.
- Demo Program? Run Example/BUILD_ALL_AND_OPEN.bat to set everything up, open any .llama file in the opened vscode instance, hit build (default Ctrl + Shift + B), run the generated .exe (same name as the .llama). Alternatively, run the Llama.Compiler.Cli with any .llama as argument.
- Why? To really understand how everything works from the ground up; No "... yeah uhh let me use a library for [whatever]".
- Is it usable? Not really, it's a prototype. The type system is garbage, the optimization is garbage, the language is garbage, the code generator is garbage. I was just exploring.
- Code generator/assembler source? No. It's just lots of generated methods from x64 docs. Feel free to give spit on NuGet a closer look. I use it for other stuff too, so it's not in here. Quite garbage though.
- Unit tests? Llama.PE has some, it's the only component that I may reuse in the future (after some refactoring).
- Whats missing?
- Some easy stuff like: Operators like +=, static variables, multiplication impl for 8-bit types
- PE work: Exports, Debugging, Resources
- Proper error reporting
- Compiler.Cli does not accept any args (console/window app, ...), I just didn't want to create command line parsing code (0 libraries used ...)
The syntax highlighting is a bit off obviously ...
import("kernel32.dll") long GetStdHandle(int handleType)
import("kernel32.dll") bool WriteConsoleA(long handle, byte* str, int count, int* numWritten, long null)
int Main()
long stdOutHandle = GetStdHandle(-11);
for (int i = 1; true; i = i + 1)
WriteConsole(stdOutHandle, IntToCstr(i));
WriteConsole(stdOutHandle, ": ");
WriteConsole(stdOutHandle, IntToCstr(FibRecursive(i)));
WriteConsole(stdOutHandle, "\n");
int WriteConsole(long handle, cstr str)
if (handle <= 0)
return 0;
int numWritten;
WriteConsoleA(handle, <byte*>str, StrLen(str), &numWritten, 0);
return numWritten;
int StrLen(cstr str)
for (int i = 0; true; i = i + 1)
if (str[i] == 0)
return i;
long GetStdOutHandle()
return GetStdHandle(-11);
long FibRecursive(int index)
if(index < 3)
return 1;
return FibRecursive(index - 1) + FibRecursive(index - 2);
cstr IntToCstr(long value)
if (value == 0)
byte[] zeroChars = new byte(2);
zeroChars[0] = <byte>48;
return <cstr><byte*>zeroChars;
int digits = 0;
if (value < 0)
digits = 1;
long valueCopy = value;
while(valueCopy != 0)
valueCopy = valueCopy / 10;
digits = digits + 1;
byte[] digitChars = new byte(digits + 1);
if (value < 0)
digitChars[0] = <byte>45;
value = Abs(value);
for (int i = 0; value != 0; i = i + 1)
digitChars[digits - (i + 1)] = <byte>(48 + value % 10);
value = value / 10;
return <cstr><byte*>digitChars;
long Abs(long value)
if (value < 0)
return -value;
return value;