This django application aims at providing a basic accounting application for single person professional (eg: lawyer, developer with his own company, etc...).
It does provide i18n (international translation) support for english (en) and french (fr): see below in admin section for howto create internationalization files.
It currently uses a local sqlite3 database engine: in future release, PostgreSQL will be the standard database.
You can initialize the database with several accounts; there is a default fixture file for this: compta/fixtures/Account.json.
Why 'compta' for the name? compta is the french word for accounting :)
All the needed requirements are in 'requirements.txt' file, you can install using pip: pip install -r requirements.txt
There is already an experimental support of Docker (see Dockerfile for more details): you can find it at Docker hub django-python36
- support of PostgreSQL database engine to secure data storage
- use of docker-compose to run as 2 docker containers: one for the database and one for the django application
- support of a full rest api to interact with the application
- support mobile UI (currently in development) using reactive framework
If you want to use the '' starting script, you should first create a config.ini file taking example from config.ini.sample: basically, it contains the admin user, password and email to connect to the admin interface.
If under Linux, you can use the file to start the application using gunicorn.
This script invokes '' script that does:
- database migration if needed
- verify that superuser exists, if not it will create it
- initialize the database data with accounts defined in compta/fixtures/Account.json
You can look at the Dockerfile to have more details.
docker build -t datiti/django-compta .
docker rm compta
docker run -d -p --name compta datiti/django-compta
In this example:
- -d indicates to detach from terminal
- -p indicates to bind the local host and port 8000 to the container port 8000
- –name compta indicates that the container will be named compta
- datiti/django-compta is the name of the image to run
python makemessages -l fr
python makemessages -l en
python makemessages --all
python compilemessages
python makemigrations
python migrate
python createsuperuser
python dbbackup
python listbackups