DNGamepads is an easy-to-use library which unifies and extends the W3C gamepad API that Chrome and Firefox implement.
DNGamepads is developed by Date Nighto, whose goal is to bring visual novels to the web.
The library has been tested in the following browsers:
- Chrome 34
- Firefox 29
Include DNGamepads.js in your JavaScript bundle or add it to your HTML page like this:
<script type='application/javascript' src='/path/to/DNGamepads.js'></script>
The script must be loaded prior to referencing DNGamepads.
To respond to gamepad messages, simply use the buttondown
and buttonup
messages in association with the gamepadconnected
and gamepaddisconnected
. (DNGamepads will raise gamepadconnected
even on Chrome, where it is technically not supported).
function gamepadButtonPressed(event) {
var pad = event.gamepad;
var button = event.button;
console.log( "Button " + button + " on pad " + pad.id + " pushed!");
function gamepadAttached(event) {
var pad = event.gamepad;
pad.addEventListener('buttondown', gamepadButtonPressed);
function gamepadDetached(event) {
var pad = event.gamepad;
pad.removeEventListener('buttondown', gamepadButtonPressed);
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
var gamepads = window.DNGamepads;
gamepads.addEventListener('gamepadconnected', gamepadAttached);
gamepads.addEventListener('gamepaddisconnected', gamepadDetached);
Or, simply poll during using requestAnimationFrame
function update(){
var gamepads = window.DNGamepads;
var pad = gamepads.getPad(0);
if( pad && pad.isButtonPushed(0) ) {
// perform game logic!
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
Note that startPolling
must be called for attach / detach logic to run in Chrome, as well as the buttondown
and buttonup
logic. The update loop, however, may be driven externally:
var lastTime = 0;
function update(time){
var gamepads = window.DNGamepads;
// calculate delta time in ms
gamepads.update(time - lastTime);
lastTime = time;
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
// note we do not call startPolling here
Also note that on
is an alias for addEventListener
, and off
is an alias for removeEventListener
on all objects:
// ...
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
var gamepads = window.DNGamepads;
// does not depend on JQuery!
gamepads.on('gamepadconnected', gamepadAttached);
gamepads.on('gamepaddisconnected', gamepadDetached);
DNGamepads has AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) support. This allows it to be lazy-loaded with an AMD loader, such as RequireJS.
You can install DNGamepads using Bower. Requests for alternate delivery mechanisms are welcome.
DNGamepads is maintained by Conrad Kreyling, as part of Date Nighto. Please feel free to raise an issue or pull request.
Special thanks to Nicholas C. Zakas for his EventTarget implementation, Marcin Wichary for his excellent write-up on cross browser controller support, David Walsh for the pointers on Object.create-based inheritance and FTLabs' for their excellent, small bower project folder.